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Spooney Bard

House of XXX arrives twice with two clone-centric stories which probably did neither any favors. The first one Cuckoo Cock is largely focused on Phoebe as she reveals the details of her trysts with Kid Omega. She is clearly fun to imbue with personality as the amazeballs excitable one but I'm not quite on board with their characters. It's kinda hard to feel much as anything as the plot trudges through events and conflicts that are without pulse. Kid Omega is basically an appendage in the books proper right now. He is basically dragged against his will into the team and school just for conflict to exist. It would be hard for this character to exist moving forward, to the point that he can die and no one really reacts at the end. The nicest touch was Sophie's complaints, based on philosophical grounds but clearly motivated by her own inhibitions especially as Omega once beheld her as the woman for him.