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I'm working on uploading the files and will be sending the rewards along the day.

It's a long process, since I have to do each recapper individually,  So please allow 24h before asking stuff like "Where the bleep are my bleeping comics, you lazy bleeper?"  ;)

Also, here's an important reminder:

Since I am a western citizen and Patreon uses PST (Pacific Standard Time), always consider that time-zone, please? I still have 12 more hours of June 5th here before I am officially late with my promises. =)

I will post a comment below when I'm done with everyone's deliveries.

Thanks again, guys!
You're the best patrons ever.



That black guy

So where the bleep is.. jk


Little update: I discovered some typos during the uploads, so I'm restarting the process now. I will still send it all today, but it's still gonna take a few hours. Bleepity Bleep! =(


Finally! All rewards were SENT! Let me know if you didn't receive it. (Most probable cause is that you need to fill the Recapper form).