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So, yeah...
I don't have super awesome news, but...
they're not particularly bad news either, I think.

Went to see a psychiatrist a few days ago. General pre-diagnostics is that I've got a mix of moderate anxiety and mild depression.
Hah... Have you seen the news?
Who isn't anxious and/or depressed with the way the world is nowadays!?

Still waiting for some blood tests to come in but general treatment is expected to be increasing physical exercises, continue my therapy work and get possibly into a mild anti-depressant, if it comes to it.

What does that mean for the delayed comics?

Plan is to have ALL FOUR of them delivered within the next 2-3 weeks.
They are way more advanced than they were last time I wrote you guys, and even if things aren't the best in terms of deadlines, I assure you that quality is not even remotely harmed.

I'll probably have full previews for the 4 comics to show you sometime next week, if the pace remains the same.

That said, I'm a bit unsure about the schedule situation for the new comics of April, but I'll cover that subject next week, too. We still have some spare time for that.

The fact is, the delay still persists.
Less behind than last time I wrote, but still enough to give me shaming nausea (again) that I've been incompetent on achieving my own deadlines (again). I honestly have doing my best to fix this (as usual), and quality is still top priority (as always), even if schedule is severed.

Not really sure if I can make it all perfect in the shortcoming term, but I've been the most interested person in getting it reasonably sorted in the littlest time possible.

In the mean time, I attached some previews (for ants), as some form of proof of work. They're purposely small to keep you from unwanted spoilers, but still visible enough for you to get a glimpse that it's an actual work-in-progress.

So... That's it for now.
Thank you once again for your always generous patience.

As kindly as humanly possible,
- Tracy.




Thank you for the work you do, and the stories you give us. Take care of yourself and don't be too hard on yourself for this. Your community supports you and believes in you. *I* support and believe in you. I too am having trouble dealing with what is going on in the world right now. You are not alone. Be well and be safe.

Jak O'Hara

You don't have to 'prove' anything trace, your a wonderful content creator and an even more wonderful person for working as hard as you do for each and every one of us 💖


From personal experience, please be very careful about taking antidepressants. I was on SSRIs for a good few years, long past the period I actually needed them for stability and control, and the withdrawal was heinously long. Months long. When I told my psychiatrist I wanted to start tapering off, he insisted I should instead up my dosage. According to my therapist I was better after fully coming off the meds than I was when I was still on them. My recommendation, if you care, is that if you're given antidepressants, no matter how mild, determine in advance for how long to take them. Don't make my mistake and just roll with it expecting the doctors to tell you when to stop. Take an active role in your own treatment. Okay, enough from me, have a great day!


Best wishes Tracy, hope treatment goes well. <3