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Full disclosure:   
I fucked up big time.  

Comics for February are so delayed that I will not be able to deliver them until mid-March, at least. That's not any of the artists' fault even, this time. That's all on me.  

Ever since I took a few weeks off for the new year's holiday, I haven't been a properly productive person. A lot more has happened since then, ranging from dealing with my close family steamrolling several health emergencies to now seeing the world turning to a shitty global state of war...  And all that came in between... Depression kicked in.  

And I was aware of it. I told you guys there would be some delays and all, but... I didn't expect to be so restrained creatively to produce. I'm working on that now. Doing therapy and into some medications to get me in shape again. It's promising, but may still take some time to go back to normal.  

So, comics... What does all that mean for them?

  • SPIDER-SEX #2 - It's a bit delayed, but it's now wholly on Llama's hand to finish. Most of the inks are done, and I should have the usual full sneak preview for it in a few days, and it may be ready for release by the first week of March.
  • SCIONS #2 - It's not that advanced. To be fully transparent, I still haven't sent all page descriptions to Thomas. He's been doing art for the first pages but, for the life of me, I just couldn't find the creative energy to work on this for several weeks. The bright side is that despite being slow, it's moving forward. I can assure you that it will come, somewhat sooner than much later. I'm completely embarrassed about it, but right now, it's looking like it'll be delivered around the 3rd or 4th week of March. I'm terribly sorry.
  • MARCH RELEASES - They'll be revealed in the next few days. And the good news is they're much less delayed than the Feb releases. You can all thank the awesome Lety Does Stuff for that because she's the one helping me keep those on a promising schedule.
  • APRIL RELEASES - Also because of Lety, they seem to be on schedule for the time being. I'll update you guys if that changes.

I understand the frustration you're probably getting right now, and if you don't want these delayed comics anymore, you can ask me for a refund on what you already paid. Just do know that if you still want these, they will come, even if late. I never left a comic undelivered, and this won't be the first time.  

Delays happen, and I'm aware this is a particularly bad one, but I'm committed always to deliver good stories. I own my fuck ups, and I'm working to fix them. One way of doing so was to ensure the Feb delays didn't affect March and April ones. That did make Feb a bit more complicated, but it prevented a worsening snowball of complications.  

I am grateful for your support, and be sure I'll keep owning up my accountability. It just may take a little longer for things to get fully normalized. Until then, I'm here, maybe not doing my very best, but accomplishing the reachable possible.  



Shodd Rivers

Tracy, it's OK. Please take some time for yourself. Me personally, I'll wait a full year just for one comic if it meant that you weren't burnt out while making it. Focus on yourself and we'll still be here to support you

Benjamin 'Nothing but BS' Sussman

Speaking for myself, **** happens, and there's nothing we can do about it. Your work is of high quality anyways, so I am not bothered by this delay. I wish you the best of luck in getting the stories finished, and thank you for keeping us posted!


Don't be so hard on yourself. It sounds like you had a lot to deal with. I am glad to stick around and wait because the end product will be good. I do want to ask though, if 4 comics come out in March but my subscriber level only gives me two comics per month, will I need to do something to be able to keep up to date with all the new issues? Just let me know and try to feel better. Thank you for all your work!


Comics for Feb were already charged this month. March is just the delayed delivery date. March will be charged for 2 comics as usual.


I did not become a patreon to buy media but to support the proyect. The comics are just a bonus. I can wait.


Agree with all previous posters. Health comes first. It's just comix, and will be worth the wait, I'm sure. Last thing I would want to do is pull support at a difficult time.


You're not a machine. Things are gonna come up and knowing you're taking your time to get back into the swing of things is better than the alternative. Take all the time you need and don't beat yourself up too much about it.


It happens. Wish you and your family all the best and that things get better/easier soon.

Jak O'Hara

Eh, these things happen trace, no need to apologise, smut comics come when smut comics come, no point in getting upset about it like a bunch of horny gorilla's, if their not done their not done, simple as that, you can't just make um magically appear, no rushing here, anyone who's P*d off, theeeres the door 👋 but the loyalists will always stay 😌


Take care and thanks for the update!


Life happens, don't rush.

Brady Schaefer

Fully agree with everyone else commenting. Thanks for the update, please take care of yourself

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Casting my mind back to the mid-2000s, these delays wouldn't even blip on the radar. Hell, the first run of Civil War ran into months-long delays (and some of McNiven's art showed that rush) and that was a massive event comic from a massive company. Thanks for the update, but take your time!


I will never be upset with you. I have a huge admiration for everything you do. You know you can count on me to help with whatever you need. You're the best. Stay healthy and well.


I'm someone who knows about being unmotivated, and dealing with family crises, and depression. I know people can't control family crises, motivation, and depression; especially now.


Tracy, you are doing a great job! As someone who also suffers from depression, I think you are being too hard on yourself. Life happens, so schedules change because of it. You got this!


While I am sad that Scions II is gonna be delayed for about a month, I understand what you're going through and I empathize. Taking care of your health, physical, emotional, mental... that all comes first.


Tracy. You come first. This comics are just a gift. So take your time. I’ll keep pledging every month and it’s okay if it gets delayed a couple of months. The main thing is you get better mentally and physically first okay


With all that is going on, it's certainly difficult to focus, and if you are also experiencing personal/family issues… Well, it's completely understandable. Take care!


Hey, honey, we're all team Tracy Scops here. As many have said, the comics are just an extension of the amazing person and artist you are. Comics come and go, but you are irreplaceable. We all know how responsible and serious you are with your work, doing something you love, but you are the treasure we are all supporting here. Please take good care of yourself and remember we're always here for you, we are your fans and your supporters. You and your work are always worth any wait, because your art, your collaborations and collaborators are top notch. But you are more important than any of it. If anyone if rushing you into something, remember all your supporting fans are many, many more. Lots of hugs!