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Pre-links have been updated and this new comic is available now. Feel free to express your thoughts regarding House of XXX: Juggerslut in the comments below.




The "come hither" look Magik gives on the next to last page is worth the cost of admission alone. Good comic!

Spooney Bard

In Juggerslut we have a parody of a very recent Savage Avengers, about a year old, in which Illyana and Conan need Marko's help by dropping him out of the sky. Yeah Tracey leaves that last bit out. I've been hoping for a real hard Juggernaut tale for years, and this one certainly delivered. Rasputina's plan gets turned on its ear, as the escalation of his revenge becomes even more sadistic. The enmity he feels pours through every panel, especially as he realizes Magik is wrong in her presumptions. Maybe I could try and muster some nitpicks but with so many villain stories being major letdowns I just can't think of one. It really is a solid book. I really like the juxtaposition between his first lick where she is half pretending and maybe a bit into it and the second where only realization and terror are left. His ugliness and monsterish actions are well conveyed in these moments, shout out to Alx who draws Magik in derpface as Marko refuses to budge for her teleportation spell. She then goes embarrassed, as she is presented as a trophy to her underlings, prone and defenseless. Here's hoping Kitty is next on his list for the mark of Cain and with a brighter ending.