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Well, here I am, sick again. Food poisoning this time. At least I think it's that, from the gross symptoms I will not share with you (I'm typing this from my bed, which is one of the two rooms of the house I've visited today... Ew!) Unfortunately, this will reflect in some days of delay on the rewards for last cycle, that I promise I'll try to keep to a minimum. I truly apologize for that, but I'm a one-pervert band here and things like that can't really be predicted in advance. The good news is that the actual art is 100% done, lacking only the rest of the lettering (most of it) and final checkups. Thanks again for your patience. I'll update you with news as possible.



It's fine just get better

Sven M.

Just get well and take your time.

David Ellis

Get well soon!


These things happen; hope you feel better soon.


Take it easy and take care of yourself, we'll still be here when you feel fine again. :)


Hope you get well