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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding SEX-ARCADE: The Long Con in the comments below.




Y'know, I sadly gotta say this was a huge miss for me. I'm usually more into the comic related stuff be it marvel or DC, so not caring much about sex arcade OCs this was just kind of a dissapointing read overall. And the fact that the comic girls were just a cover tease was a shame. But hey, not everyone is gonna like everything, so this just wasn't for me, all the power to those who enjoyed it, I'll keep supporting for the other awesome comics.


Wow. Cover tease? Shame? Really? You "gotta" say that but never "gotta" say anything before about the other comics that were supposedly awesome? You've been a patron for many months, having read dozens of my stories and the first time you reach me to comment on any of them is to say it was a shame and huge miss? That's what I get for trying to be a bit inventive with my own creations. Sheesh... Word of advice though... try and keep your expectations low next time. Maybe then you can enjoy stories for what they are instead of what you presumed they would be.


It was a fun concept! Figured we'd see more of the "Con" stuff, but not a crossover with Sex-Arcade and certainly not the duo from Bangin'jet (I was 120% sure those dudes died). That's three things at once and you still smoothed it out into a solid entry. I know your What-Iffy issues played around with Marvel's "What If" format, but if anything this was kind of...Tracyverse's version of the MCU's Loki, Sex-Arcade instead of TVA.

Spooney Bard

Sex-Arcade is a hard one to review, because it is hard to even try constructive criticism. What is happening here is yet another lecture attacking the reader through subversion and deconstruction. Many hard books went this route and basically all of them were terrible, the only thing really to debate is whether this is worse than MJ Makes a Porno or many in that ilk. Willy seems written in this vein on purpose, pointing out the terribleness of the book but powerless to actually affect the outcome. He disturbingly becomes a reader substitute, railing against the deliberately unsatisfying writing. Quite frankly who could enjoy this? The con girls make less than negative infinity sense in this scenario anyway, if you liked their stories and characters why would this be something that you'd want to see happen to them? But even that is meaningless because they aren't even participants in the action, it is impossible to even parse which woman is which in this scenario. Try and point out daddy issues (as I call her) for instance. Are we supposed to root for Tricia? Her punch and eventual overcoming of evil is totally hollow, she works at the joint and delivered six defenseless women in chains. It is a story that is worse than nothing, you truly regret reading it.


Jeez. I usually see your reviews with some constructivism, but this? I feel like giving your review the same treatment. “The reviewer clearly missed the point of what this story encompasses. Does he even know any of the lore that’s under the sabuverse? Why did he fixate on the Fanservice Girls so much? It’s a story about the Arcade, the title even says so. Also, why is he assuming his own opinion is valid for every other reader? Lots of other people did like this, but he just assumes ‘you’ll’ regret it. Honestly, this review is actually worse than nothing. Zero of five stars”.

Spooney Bard

Okay lets not get too heavy in here. The book is bad, the only positive review notes that it is solid but doesn't even specify what is solid. Not every book or novel or comic or movie is going to work. These replies are painfully weak. You can't say I don't know about the Sabuverse because that's just some silly gatekeeping. This isn't some inspired work because frankly we have been here before. For in Sex-Arcade popular female characters are transported to be violated, and understandably this creates some distress for you especially as there is an element of the readership who appreciates this ugly element. I'm perfectly okay with your feelings, and its fine if you sparingly go to this dark place. However by pulling back it turns things into mush. You say this is a story about the Sex-Arcade but that makes no sense. The Harden Bros. have one ability that distinguishes them, their psychic powers. To say they would be useful in this environment would be mild, the victims would be totally pliable to the client's every desire. They could be used to create puppets, classic Lara Croft could be written by the users in an erotic drama paired with new Lara. Peach could be telepathically made to see the client as Bowser. Why would some cosplayers be needed in a world with the actual Supergirl available? What consultant work needs to be done? Even if Morrigan was somehow a lousy lay its not like the Sex-Arcade gives a damn. The simple reality is that the story is meant as criticism, purposefully not engaging with the content in a way to create unhappiness in the reader. You made the story work for you, by needling elements you don't like into oblivion, to the point that no one likes the story. And since you really don't like criticism people generally don't want to even post a review. What are the review threads even for, and why do you want people to post reviews if you don't want the honest truth? Why would Joker post more reviews given that you really dislike their opinion?


Wasn't a fan of this one


Let's be honest: You've set the bar at heavy with your condescending review. The problem was never the criticism. I'm not a snowflake. I can understand that people may simply not like what I've created. But, I mean, is there anyone anywhere who enjoys being told that something they've spent weeks, months even is bad? You even, clearly felt attacked with my snarky reply up there. But it's also clear that you've missed the point. The reviews posted on these represent an average of 10% of what is sent in private to me. Some of those were in fact about disliking it, but not as many as you think. My problem with your note was your siskel-and-ebert-esque entitlement to coin that the book is bad because you didn't like it. That's your opinion and if you had put it that way, it would make me feel sad, but such is life. I'd respect it. But no, you sat on a high horse, like an armchair comic maker, wording your opinions as axioms. That's what got under my skin this time. Full disclosure: To create is to take risks. Imperfection is the very basic need for any sort of improvement. It's tough to spend hours fine tuning one single line of dialogue and then have a reader come and say "meh... this book is trash". I consider myself a mature person, but any form of artistic work requires a bit of emotional openness. This kind of unconcerned feedback is a sharp knife on that soft spot. I'm not asking for sugar-coating or dog pampering. I do hope to be told about the specific likes and dislikes my readers have about my comics. But honesty doesn't need to be inconsiderate. The creative process has many perks and caveats. The final result of a comic rarely shows all the roads-not-taken that were possible during development. More than frequently, the could-have-beens suggested in my review threads were tested and failed before discarded. Maybe you have some experience with that process yourself, maybe not. It's not for me to tell. But the judgemental approach you tend to use surely makes it sound like the latter. I will say though... I honestly appreciate the time and length of the feedback you provide each month. But I'm sure you can do better than what you've done this time.

Spooney Bard

Upon reflection, I feel this is very much the case on my part. I don't know why I have this particular defensive reaction to people and problems and I am truly sorry. I'm not sure where to take this but I'll say that sometimes you have to take heavy risks as an artist, and many of those have payed off huge. This one for me did not, and I badly exaggerated how bad I thought the book was in retrospect. I hope that you continue to take more risks and I'll try to keep in mind that sometimes they won't to be my liking but that doesn't mean they're some universal failure. Cheers to seven more years.


Thank you! Really! I truly enjoy putting these out every month and it's always a thrill not knowing how people will like (or not). Safe or risky, the chance is always there. But if it were up to me, I'd hope to do it for seventy more years! Cheers to that.

Jak O'Hara

Heya Tracy! 👋 just wanna quickly start off by saying that while this wasn't really a big hit for me, and maybe that's my fault for not being "versed ;)" in the relationship of Sex-Arcade at all, or that it's been absolutely forever since I read any fan-con stuff by you 'xD But I will say that I was completely engulfed and fascinated by the concept of a place that can literally wheel you out any fantasy girl you like in a constraining box for your devious convenience! 😈 out of all of your works you've done, this is the one I wish existed the most in the real world 😭 Before I even got to the bottom of the first page I was completely swept up in your description of what this place was and and you did a fantastic job explaining it to someone who frankly had never heard of this idea before and was all caught up by tbe end of page 1 so stars to you for that 🌟 I did however unfortunately not really recognise any of the fan-service girls being used and abused by the two other guys who I, again, unfortunately wasn't really able to recall upon first reading 😅 it wasn't untill i read another review in here that I realised they were the guys from Bangin'jet 😅 (the irony of which hit me like a ton of bricks when I realised this cause I considered that story to be one of my personal favourite's at the time 😂) but that said I really liked the balled guys banter in the story quite a lot, I found myself relating to him more that I did my own family 😆 Overall a very solid passion project from you that I can tell alot of personal care went into, form someone like myself whom is currently working on a passion project of my own right now, I definitely understand greatly how you can work on something for so long and then have people turn around and shun your hard work, so while this wasn't my personal favourite or anything, I'm glad to have gotten the chance to read a special idea I'm sure you've been trying/wanting to do for a long time 😁 6/10

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Interesting to see plot put over sex and humor/writing take the forefront over close-ups of fucking! A little variety never hurt anyone, though tell that to the people writing screes about how somehow the "revenge" in "rape/revenge" is the part that offends their delicate sensibilities. This is why I'm a longtime patron! You can get low-effort fanfic porn where every woman is a dumb bimbo and every dude is a hung dudebro ANYWHERE on the internet. Seriously, it's like Rule 34 writers care about everything BUT the characters, and 99% of the stuff out there could be interchangeable script-wise, but without irony: I'm here for the writing and art working TOGETHER (like a COMIC BOOK), and this was that and this was FUN (and weird and pretty dark, but that's what Sex Arcade is)!


For years I've wanted to write a story about the Sex-Arcade, but there's like already dozens of texts about the booths and subjects, not to mention the ever-increasing number of illustrations Sabu himself produces constantly. So I reached him and proposed this different thing, about these two brothers trying to scam the facility. And he loved the idea, challenging as it was. And I took the opportunity to add some of my rare OC's, which seemed to make sense in the Sex-Arcade concept itself, all while trying to fit it in my 8-pages budget constraints. Ended up making 9 pages, because I couldn't fit it in less properly. I delved deep into research, reading everything written about the place (which is quite a lot, if you google it enough) and gathered as much elements as I could to represent the Arcade's ambiance, but also depicting an innovative side of it. I'm not saying I accomplished any sort of masterpiece here. Definitely didn't. But I'm somewhat proud of bringing a fresh addition to the Sabuverse of bawdy lewdness.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

I honestly thought it was going to turn out they were in Hell the whole time, but your ending was far better, more creative, and in-continuity with another project. You SHOULD be proud!