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Attached are the final previews for both of September/2021 comics!

I didn't want to jinx it, but it appears that the comics will actually be delivered on time this month. Wot!? 

Proofread is almost finished, along with final tweaks, but it surely looks like things are on track for the deliveries to start tonight.

September rewards should be sent later tonight.
(...always consider I work in Pacific Time!!!)

Reminder: if you only pledged after October started, your payment will only be processed when October ends, which means you'll get your rewards only the next term.

Art, lettering and editing are done, but proofreading is nearly ended and then it's time to export and close the files.  It'll  still take a few more hours to get the things uploaded and then sent to all of you +500 patrons.

I'll keep you posted if anything changes along the way, but... Fingers crossed, okay?

Thanks once again for being the most awesome patrons.
Keep on fappin on'!





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