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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding HOUSE OF XXX: Scott's Marvels in the comments below.




Scott nice guy but kamala khan is hot goddess and little bit of slut but I like that.


This is great! I love the Scott and Kamala pairing and hope to see more of them in the future. Especially if Jean joins them!

Spooney Bard

In Scott's Marvel love plays out after a painful separation and finally finds pure romance. It's rare we get a straight uncomplicated romantic love story, there isn't even a hint of farce. This was definitely the highlight of this story. It doesn't try to one up the eros of Logan, especially as that had Carol, but instead wisely focused on emotion and psychology to craft the sequences. In many stories Scott just felt like a guy who was just there, a steady hand who never really blossomed. His frets and foibles really let him bloom here, shockingly making a bigger impression than the still extremely great Kamala. Bit of a dry open. Could've had a more shocked Khan when the costume disappeared. Awesome art but why does Kamala stay masked the whole time? I guess she really doesn't sweat. Two sequel teases in this one. One with the Hellfire Gala but that has so little to do with this one. The Jean tease is a bit wonky, but they are two of your strongest written characters so maybe you already have a great plan. If Scott returns hopefully in Paris.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Said it elsewhere, but REALLY worth the wait. After a few darker/noncon stories, having a really fun, really erotic, SLIGHTLY taboo story is a breath of fresh air.