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So, yeah...
Not really awesome news, but good news whatsoever... I think.

Yesterday was the first day I felt good enough to be out of bed the entire day. Managed to put in some work hours and advance on the comic lettering.  Since then, I was able to finalize one of them comics today, but that still means I have one other to do fully. Also, proofreading is still required on the first one.

Side note: Just to be clear, lettering work is quite less work than illustration artwork but way more design editing work than most people think it is. It requires a lot of diagrammatic solutions and even complete dialogue rewritings quite frequently.  If you want to learn a bit more about the non-illustrative craft involved in making a comic, I recommend reading Brian Bendis' book Words for Pictures: The Art and Business of Writing Comics. It's quite illuminating if you never really got to understand the whole process of making comic books.

The fact is, the delay still persists.
Way less behind than last month's but still enough to give me shaming nausea that I've been incompetent on achieving my own deadlines.

I honestly have doing my best to fix this, but life keeps throwing me these curved balls and making me post these excuse messages for you guys, time after time.

Not really sure if I can make it all perfect again in the short term, but I've been the most interested person in getting it sorted in the littlest time possible.

So, at the risk of promising something a date that can fail again, I'm confident I can deliver everything for the August Rewards by this Wednesday night, Sep 22th (Pacific Time).

September rewards should be announced the following week.
I had some exciting plans for that announcement, since it marks my Patreon campaign anniversary, but that date was yesterday and I'll try to make something more festive when I'm not in debt with my supporters.

So, hopefully, things will be less un-exciting by next weekend.
Until then, I'm doing nice lewd comics for those that still long for them.

In the mean time, I attached some previews for ants, as some form of proof of work.

So... That's it for now.
Thank you once again for your generous patience.

As kindly as humanly possible,
- Tracy.




Honestly at this point I'd rather you just took a break until you were 100% instead of running yourself ragged trying to stay on schedule. I get why that may not be an option tho so I thank you for your commitment. But please take care of yourself!

Brady Schaefer

Totally understand and respect your commitment to a strict schedule, but you gotta take care of yourself and take a break every now and then. If you need to take some time to rest up, that's totally fine; your comics are awesome and worth the wait.


Hang in there, but make sure you don't break yourself trying to catch up, we much rather you take a break and get yourself back to health, because if you break yourself doing this whom else will we turn to for this?


Everyone is patient. Make sure your health is good.