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Yes... A terrible mistake, indeed.
Which will cause a delay (again).

I got too excited about pushing a second What Iffy comic to be released on the same week of the new Animated MCU series. But it was too ambitious and I started its process way too late. And despite them team's best efforts, it simply couldn't be done in time. The original plan was to have a 9 page story, with Llamaboy doing both lineart and colors, but things spiraled out of control over the last weeks, and even with bringing along D R Silva to take over the color arts, things were still behind on the process.

So, what does that mean?
I don't have a specific date for when the comic will be ready. I'm estimating around 10 more days, maybe more, but I'm committing myself to having it delivered before this month ends.

The silver lining is that with this extra time, I'm adding a few more pages to it, making it 11 pages long, at least. It's my way of trying to compensate for your extra patience with the recent delays over the last months.

Now, I understand that you may not even care about this particular comic and shouldn't be affected by that problem if your monthly selections don't include it. So I'll finish the lettering work in Flerken Outbreak, which should be completed around the mid of the next week.

By then, if I still don't have a clear date for completion on What Iffy, I'll provide a partial rewards sendout, with all other deliveries. 

I apologize for that mess up. I'm the one to blame this time. I could have chosen a different comic for this month, which was closer to completion, but I got blinded by my own excitement.

That said, I assure that despite all that's going on, my focus will always rely on making these comics with the higher quality I can provide to them, even if that causes a delay on their release dates. Attached to this post is a proof of work with the current state of all pages as they look now.

So, for now, thanks for sticking around.
I'll provide more updates as I have them.

Talk soon.




Go you for being excited!


No worries, and certainly no blame; good things are worth waiting for, and you always deliver the goods! 😃👍


ANYONE can win a fight when the odds are easy! It's when the going's tough... when there seems to be no chance... THAT'S when it counts! The project... It's MOVING! Can't stop now! Last chance! Must keep the momentum... MORE! Just a little MORE...! (Best wishes, and we look forward to seeing the final comic when it's done and you're happy with it!)


Your comics are always worth the wait! Keep on trucking, you can do it! (FYI if you're even later that is OK too 👌)


I can certainly understand the excitement of wanting to release a parody/version along with the original material. Don't worry! I am sure "What Iffy…? 2" will be great when it is done. And hey, thanks for the extra pages.


I have not received my comic (not What Iffy2) so far, is this normal? Cuz I believe “the mid of of the next week” is almost over.


Nothing is normal about this month. I’m just one person trying to juggle a whole bunch of things every month. What I said that should happen by the mid of the week was the lettering, not the deliveries, which is still depending on some factors I’m evaluating at the moment.