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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding VENOM STALKS SPIDEY on the comments below.




The girls reminded me of Pete's old hottie neighbors Bambi, Candi, and Randi, so that was a bonus.


i was curious of how much the other girls get involved considering the main girl presence


This was a fun comic. My only take-back is I wish it was longer.

Gerald L

I have to ask are these girls made up for this story or were they in the comics or something?


This was the first time I made up new characters. But as SG commented below, they are indeed somewhat similar to a trio of neighbors Peter once had.


A++. This is a very different departure from previous comics, and I have to say I very much like it. It gives me a little of what I've been wanting from symbiote focused stories - a delving into the mind of the symbiote itself. And while these girls and the symbiote itself are forcing themselves on Peter in a story which actually gives no voice to Peter at all... even with my personal proclivities, I can't say I minded at all. The adorableness and hotness of it - not to mention Sketch's art - made me completely overlook it. It's our first reverse gangbang, too, which is a bonus. And even with the (light!) non-con elements, it actually ends on a note I really appreciate: Venom actually tempered by the symbiote, and concerned far less with killing, and far more with fucking! While I don't think there's much more to this story specifically, I would love to see more in this kind of storytelling vein. Both in regards to the symbiote's mind, and alternate forms of narrative. But yes, this hit in a big way. No complicated narrative like some past stuff, but it doesn't need to be for what it is. Love Sketch, love the Venomettes having their way with Peter. Faptastic. :D


I'll be honest here: I was in a kinda creator's block when I commished this comic to Lanza. So my script was just the scene descriptions for each panel, mostly based on some japanese reverse gangbang videos I had recently watched. I had already done something like that in the past: creating the dialogue from scratch after the art was delivered (I'll leave for you all to imagine which one it was) so it didn't seem like much of a problem. Then, when he finally delivered his wonderful artwork, I felt I could do something like I did in Liquorish Whiskers (not that one, btw), with the interior monologue. It seemed a perfect opportunity to explore a xenocentric view of the human relations, both emotion and physically. I may have lost the chance to explore my initial idea of playing with the sisters' personalities (the romantic, the pervy and the insane) but I think I already do something like that on the Spidercest series. In the end, I think it all came out well. Despite me struggling a lot with the sibilating narrative. =)


Ah another wonderful symbiote story. I really enjoyed that the only voice present was the symbiotes which was new. Also I did enjoy how the blonde resembled Gwen Stacy. Also the curly brunette kind of looks like ultimate kitty pride in some stories. So overall I loved this one hopefully there will be more symbiote stories soon!


While I found the idea as a whole appealing - and the homage to Kasia Uscilko was cute - I think that the ending is a bit short-sighted. Leaving the girls to wander around the city still empowered by symbiote fragments could have opened up a lot of fun story options. Not just encores with Peter, but Felicia, MJ, Anya, Silk, Miles, maybe even Spider-Gwen or another Edge-centric spider from outside of 616...


I think this is my single favorite of your She-Venom stories. i have to agree with Zechs that the only downside is that it isn't longer.