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Almost made it this month without a hickup.

But I do have good news.
One of the comics became a 10pager instead of the usual eight. So that's a silver lining, right?

Simply put, there was a pet emergency and things escalated quickly and without warning.
Little one seems to be out of harm's way, but we're on the watch.

Anyhoo, comics are basically fully lettered, but there's still some last minute design changes needed and proofreading before it's all good for you to enjoy.

As usual, we have try our best to make sure the comics would be ready in time for the planned schedule, but life can be a bitch and simply prevents us from doing it without a significant decrease in their quality.    

So, deliveries should be done by tomorrow night (Friday, 16th, Pacific Time). Also, due to the complicated process of rewards deliveries, that date is valid for all rewards, including old rewards for Recappers tiers too.

I understand that might be a bit frustrating for you, but we're facing challenging times and managing to keep up the pace with the releases have been somewhat overwhelming to all people involved in the making of these comics. We love what we do, but sometimes, that's just not enough to keep things going smoothly.

I apologize for requiring (again) more of your patience, but I assure that despite all that's going on, my focus will always rely on making these comics with the higher quality I can provide to them, even if that causes a delay on their release dates.

We, the whole team, love what we do and personally I'd rather be late than half-ass my comics.

So, thanks for sticking around.

Talk soon.



Aww, poor thing. Hope your pet is alright!


Late is temporary, but quality is forever. Fast healings and calm tidings to the pet.

Brady Schaefer

Hope your pet is ok! It's totally fine if it comes late, take all the time you need

Sven M.

As long as the pet is all right all is good.


Hop ur prt is okay 👌


Well good luck with the little one I say