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Hello everyone,  
Due to some health issues, aggravated by other unforeseeable circumstances, it's become impossible for me to finish and deliver the comics today.   

I always try my best to make sure the comics would be ready in time for the planned schedule, but sometimes it simply can't be done without a significant decrease in their quality.  

So, I'm extending the delivery dates until Sunday, Apr 18th. Also note that, because of the complicated process of rewards deliveries, that date is valid for all rewards, including old rewards for Recappers tiers too.    

I understand that might be a bit frustrating for you, but we're facing challenging times and managing to keep up the pace with the releases have been somewhat overwhelming to all people involved in the making of these comics. We love what we do, but sometimes, that's just not enough to keep things going smoothly.   

I apologize for requiring more of your patience, but I assure that despite all that's going on, my focus will always rely on making these comics with the higher quality I can provide to them, even if that causes a delay on their release dates.   

Rest assured all rewards will be delivered, as they have always been in the 7 years since I've started making these.   

Thanks for sticking around.    
Talk soon.  

PS: Proof of Work attached.



Jak O'Hara

You don't have to justify anything to me Tracy :) not me, not anyone, your works always a treat to receive, doesn't matter when it gets here, you've never let us down before and I hope everything working out for you :)✌


what is this, porn for ants?


Just making sure nobody is spoilered, while still showing the body of work. But, yeah... hoping those antennae guys have a good fap.


Get better soon, health takes priority over this!