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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding WANDAVISION in the comments below.



Atilio Gambedotti

I can only say... you will do a great job! :D


I can already see a sequel with White Vision joining in for a Three---I mean Wholesome.

Spooney Bard

WandaVision jumps on the bandwagon of the horniest MCU property about twenty percent in and though well drawn it's somewhat insubstantial. With every episode basically an endless series of banging setups one could see a very extreme nine part series with a 50's partner swap with the boss, an 70's threeway with Monica, Jimmy and Darcy blow off some steam, a Halloween costume MMF, Agatha working over an unpowered Wanda, and White Vision becomes closer to personhood. The artwork is spectacular, with every slight affectation in Lizzie's face accurately captured. Its just a bit too minor of an event, some perspective after the fact may have lead to a series of flashbacks episode 8 style. Its a good setup, but the comedy gets a bit thin. That's probably the genius of the show, it switches it up every time there might be a lull otherwise there forms a house of cards. But this parody is as good as this story could ever possibly be.


Oh if you only realized this story is written about episode 2 because if I’d wait for the show to end, this would only be released by the time Loki were on the spotlight. But fair enough... I can’t expect everyone to be reasonable about me balancing production time and cultural zeitgeist timing.


I really liked it. I hope we get more Wanda in the future.


I just got here but please do more WandaVision. It's the comic that made me a Patron because I love the pairing in the show. ♥