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This month has been a challenging one.
Full disclosure: A couple days ago, my colorist D R Silva suddenly got his vision all blurry and had to be rushed to the ER. He then discovered he is diabetic and needs to make severe changes in his life style.

The good news is that he's already at home and his vision problems were only temporary. But that unfortunately impacted on the already delayed comics for this month.

Yet, he does feel quite optimistic about being able to finish rendering the colors for the remaining story very soon.

I attached a (very) small preview of the whole of the pages of both comics, and you may be able to see they are both fully lettered already, even if one is still with the inked pages underneath the wordings. Sorry for not sharing them any larger, but I wouldn't want to spoil the story before it's officially out.

I appreciate your patience so far and promise to keep the remaining wait to the barely minimum. These have been a series of very unfortunate circumstances, which spiralled unpreventably out of control.

I'd rather not set a specific date right now, but I'll keep you posted daily until it's over.
I have high expectations that this should all be solved in a matter of just a few days, hopefully.

Talk (very) soon.





Good call on taking care of your colorist, hope things stabilise soon!


Sorry to hear about Silva’s health issue, glad they are on the mend! They’re really quite good!


Very sorry to hear about Mr. Silva's health problems. As a diabetic myself, I had a similar situation around this same time last year; my left eye started hurting intensely, until I could no longer keep it open at all, because even the slightest bit of light made it hurt like crazy. Then I lost vision in it, and the optometrist told me that all I could do was watch my diet and wait it out, and the only thing he could do was give me some special, prescription eye-drops that could not cure/fix my eye, but I had to use them several times a day so the eye couldn't get even worse (there was a possibility that I could have gone permanently blind in that eye otherwise), so I had to wear an eyepatch and remain in very low-light conditions for 3 months. So yeah, I completely understand and deeply sympathize with Mr. Silva's dilemma, and I certainly hope he gets better very soon. To all diabetics reading this, please take care of yourselves, health-wise, and visit an optometrist at least twice a year.


Get well soon, Silva.