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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding HOUSE OF XXX: Cable's Girls in the comments below.



Sven M.

I love House of XXX^^

Adam Burt

I loved this so much. Probably the most excited I've been for anything erotic, and it did not disappoint.

Adam Burt

I know I'll probably never see Pixie again in one of these comics, but this one was well worth it. I do love that even horny Pixie is trying to help others.


Somehow I just wish the Thrallfire comic could’ve been made under this label.

Spooney Bard

Up to now most of the House of X verse series have been in one of two camps for me, with this month finally being an exception. The stories were either theoretically intriguing but a bit underperforming or an obtuse tale that ended up relatively competent. Thankfully this month we had none of the former but Cable's Girls is one of the latter. It does some things right and nothing wrong but it barely seems to exist. I read every line and all but it passed without much affect or effect. Oh a psuedo-futa armor scene, that was cool. A bit of girl-girl that was nice. It was there but unless you're a huge X fan not much can even be said.