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Are you interested in contributing more with ideas and suggestions?
From today on, that will be possible with the brand new COUNSELLOR tier.

For $35, patrons will have access to a monthly script document that will be weighted on their suggestions and opinions, limited to 20 slots.

I will do my best to accommodate every Counsellor's opinions and make sure that each one gets at least an idea included, even if as a panel, banter, sexual position, etc (hopefully more than one for each).

Also, patrons on the Council will get:

- Access to the Discord channel.
- The 2 new monthly comics.
- And 4 old comics (chosen by the monthly forms).

This will sorta function as a Beta for now, so we can see how things work.

If you pledge for that tier today, you'll already be a member of the May/2020 Council, starting tomorrow. If not, you can pledge later and be part of a future Council.

The Pornliament awaits.

Porn will prevail.
All hail The Porn!




I’ve been a fan since you were still working via PayPal, so I have the whole collection of old books. The 4 old books don’t really interest/entice me due to that. So for another $25 dollars a month, I’d just get a discord server access. I like supporting you, just wanted to offer some feedback as the current plan wouldn’t draw my attention as much.


The old books is a minor additional perk here. The focus is to have the Counsellors actually have some of their ideas onto a comic, which is far more than a simple Discord access.


I agree with Kennith. Big fan of your work for years, but are there any plans for the Co-Writer tier to return?


Sorry, I didn’t realise this was the same. I assumed this tier allowed you to put your scenario (sexual position, etc.) into a panel into the story


I’m not sure I understand your question. the co-writer tier is already available for pledging. You can chose it right now if tou want


No problem, thank you for clarifying that 👍

christopher dean

I like what I see and can you make sure you show the second girl bound a slightly different way