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Last week, the colorist for one of my comics was diagnosed with covid-19 and had to spend a few days in the hospital. Thankfully, it wasn't an extreme critical condition case, but it was serious enough to keep them in observation so that their condition wouldn't turn to the dangerous pneumonia.

Last Sunday, their condition improved enough so they could be sent home and even resume the work on the comic. I didn't post a note on this before because there was a possibility that it could be finished by today, but that unfortunately didn't happen.

So, I'm extending the delivery dates in 72h, which means I should deliver the comics next Saturday.

I understand that might be a bit frustrating for you, but we're facing special times and managing to keep up the pace with the releases have been somewhat overwhelming.

I apologize for requiring your patience once again, but I assure that despite all that's going on, my focus relies on making these comics happen with the higher quality I can provide to them.

So, for now, thanks for sticking around.
Talk soon.



That black guy

Oh holy hell, hope they recover quickly even if they still can't work for a bit




I hope they get better soon! Make sure you tell that that if they need anything, just ask. I may not be there, but I'm sure I could find some way to help. (I just separated from the military. Still have some contacts and I'm still involved with the government in a different capacity if they need masks or anything)

Didi Solomon

Oh, no! The delay is perfectly fine and appropriate. Health HAS to come first, right now -- both for you and everyone you (and we) work with. Tell that person to get well soon! (And we hope you're fully recovered, too!)


Oh I do hope they will recover completely from it and health is more important the comic can always wait..


More concerned about their wellbeing then the work. Hoping they get well and fully recover


Better that they recover, it's going to be faster, and leave them able to be hired again!

Just another Monday

I hope they get well and have better health. Please take care of yourselves, we can wait on the porn, your health is the priority.


Wish them the best for a good recovery. No need to rush.


No problem, health must come first


Don't worry about it, take your time.