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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding  ANARCHIC SPIDER-FUCKERS in the comments below.




I thought the art was pretty good and the story and dialog were ok. I thought all the guitar stuff and the singing were a little much but it's no big deal.

Spooney Bard

The Anarchic Spider-Fuckers is a charming but triflous affair that I greatly enjoyed. I've needed more Ash for years and she doesn't disappoint. Hobie was hilarious and hard in equal measure, cheeky and punk, rough and fey, locked-on and checked out all at once. Metal and punk joined together and somehow made grunge, a delightful recipe. Their pairing was unexpected but massively dynamic and witty. There were two scenes in each one took the lead but the other still laid down an excellent rhythm guitar support. The jokes were funny, the scenario sexy, and even the cameo was kinda cheeky. I'm struggling to say more, basically everything I could say would be a pure spoiler (as Roger Ebert said when reviewing standup comedy there is no way to avoid ruining jokes). To try some constructive criticism it's missing a bit of X factor, the drugs weren't truly needed, and referencing the Inheritors just brings up we never really got to see them rampage en route to a doomsday fuckdown.