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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding  THE GOBLINNING in the comments below.



That black guy

Wow, an outright bad end for this comic, I think this is like your second comic ever to end on a kind of notable down note was kind of wondering if you were gonna reference that face Norman made from sins past especially at the end when fucking gwen. Some of the scenes felt a little rough art wise but still solid overall

Spooney Bard

Goblinning delivers in a huge way for longtime readers of the Tracyverse. It features the long awaited feature debut of Spidey's longtime numero uno nemesis who utterly vanishes from the story two pages in. It beautifully subverts expectations by pairing Spidey once again with Spider-Gwen, MJ and Felicia to set up a punchline that really doesn't make any sense given the situation. Its such a Norman thing to do to be utterly passive and let the heroes get laid even though he has the utter advantage in every way. The rest of the book features Miggy and Miles in an orgy with no context at all other than mild cuckolding ploy. The two look and act nothing like themselves but why should they? They are mere costumes with cocks, who needs an explanation why they would work with Gobby? Who cares about right and wrong even after the collars are defused, we got some bone on and thats all that counts. If there is a flaw its at the end where the book sells out and delivers five actual panels of hot, exciting content actually featuring the main character in the promised story. At the very least it exists without build and context and without dialogue to completely lessen the impact of the scenario. Who'd want to read that especially after years of wait and a dozen stories promising such content other than an absolute maroon.


I was confused pretty much the entire time I was reading this. What was going on? Why were the girls acting weird? Why was Spidey acting weird? Why was Goblin using a video camera to record and not his phone? Why were the other Spideys affected differently? How did Goblin contact them? Wait, the other Spideys and the girls are just walking away was that a thing they could have done the whole time? What about the bombs on the girls’ necks? Wait, that was the plan? Sloppy seconds? What? I get that there aren’t enough pages to really get into the weeds of things so you gotta sorta allude to some off-panel things happening to explain the action… but this story used that trick a little too much IMHO. I think it might have been a story better told over multiple parts.


Wasn't a big fan of the art or the story.


Not a fan the faces of the girls were off and the story was weird and not in a good way.

Wesker Fine

I know this is Patreon and you could only take the "forced" stuff so far but I wouldn't mind seeing more stuff akin to it. Maybe with better art next time around.