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Hey guys,

As you've probably noticed already, I've been trying to experiment a bit with OCs lately.
I haven't gone fully into a brand new intellectual property yet, but I'd like to understand a bit of how you feel about it.

I personally have plans for more Fanservice-Con and Ryker's Bait stories, but before I dedicate time and resources towards them, I thought about hearing you patrons.

You can also express yourself a bit more on that subject by commenting in this thread.
Feel free to choose more than one option, if that suits you.

I'm looking forward for your answers.


Jak O'Hara

Im fine with the idea of some new OC's mixing with the main cast, Rykers Bait was awesome! One of my favorite new inclusions I've seen in a while (especially if it help break away from the redhead trend every once in a while) and am still dying for a sequel, my question is, would there be a new tier on limited offer for people to maybe have one of their OC's put into a future OC crossover comic? 🤔

That black guy

Mix and match, maybe give one or two completely original ones here and there


I’m voting for a mix of both because flexibility is important in a parody. I would imagine that it is hard for a completely new OC (let’s assume she’s a superheroine) with one fixed secret identity to get over with most of the crowds. This is because with the 8 page limit, it’s hard to get character development, meaning it’s hard for readers to get attached to that particular character. By contrast, with familiar names, we as readers already have a pre-existing attachment to them, so you don’t need to dedicate an entire issue to introduce them. I can think of a lot of shenanigans a blank slate OC like the cosplayers can get into. You’ve done the fanserrvice con which pretty much gives you creative freedom over characters who would normally not do that. On the other hand, you can come up with a story where your OC, while cosplaying as a new superheroine, gets thrown into a portal to another universe where she starts banging irl superheroes in that universe. So, that’s why I’m voting for a mix. It lets you make pretty much any situation sound plausible, and you can piggy-back on familiar names when you need to.


That's a bit more complicated, but I'm not ruling that out as an option. I'll keep that as a far-fetching possibility for now.


The page space is not that much of a constraint. In media res can do wonders for that kind of limitation and the backstory could be filled along as needed during the narrative. The mix idea is basically what I've already been doing lately, so I'm just wondering if that's a path the majority is comfortable with, for now. Thanks for the input.


all of the above, but I had to pick just one. :)


I'm not a fan of OC characters... the idea of parody is to see familiar faces in new situations. I'm a huge fan of showing other MC heroines and villains instead of just Black Cat and Mary Jane (again)... like She-Hulk, Titania, Ms. Marvel, Sister Grimm, Sue Storm-Richards, Monica Rambeau, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, Storm, Jubilee, Psylocke, Rogue, etc. But I'm not into characters I've never heard of before... to me, when they show up in my subscription, it's a month wasted. Just my two cents.

Atilio Gambedotti

Welll, you know my work, and I think the best way its the original character... build somthing from the begining and see how this grow up, but maybe the best for the page its, do that, but continue working in parody, like 50% of all. (hope this lines have sence) :D Best wishes man!

Spooney Bard

I'm of all minds on this subject, so its hard for me to vote. There are three main elements that stories have in this field to varying degrees; Eros/Parody/Drama, and the big change was Eros. The Satire of the convention scene is still incredibly witty and funny in the second issue, but the eros has died. In point of fact the reason the first issue worked is that we had never seen the DC heroines in any Scops project, and thus mentally it was easy to separate the story from the eros to enjoy the characters utterly against the true context. Trying a second go it was ice cold, why look at someone dressed as Harley when the real thing could be used? This month was poorly received because it featured a sequel to a bad story and a sequel to a story that really never need one. Let's take the joke about the Felicia cosplayer being Selina last year, its a great idea for a pairing. It would be easier to draw than three major characters and dozens of unique males. It would be a natural place for original humor. It could feature an exciting fight. It could feature extremely erotic setups given the innate natures of the people. It would be a dream pairing finally fulfilled. By any measure it surpasses this one in every area, on multiple levels. Its also tied to the drama, without characters to tie yourself emotionally they only work as gimmicks. OC characters can work, in Ryker's Bait and Prison Bitch for instance, but largely as supplemental characters whose inclusion adds commentary and outside insight. They really don't add up as fully fledged as the prexisting characters because those characters don't exist as backstories, but stories already in progress.


Thank you for your opinion about it, but there wasn't really a general poor reception of this month's comics, especially Fanservice-Con. I understand that it's a story that might have felt underwhelmingly sexy for some few readers, but from what the numbers are showing, it could be well the case that it aroused the silent majority quite some more than the audible minority. That phenomena is not uncommon and in fact was the main reason for me posting this poll up: to understand if patrons think I should do more of these or not. Apparently they do.


And I thank you for your honest commentary. Although, in my personal opinion, all it takes to a non-familiar character to become familiar is a bit of acquaintance, isn't it? Once you read their stories and know a little bit about them, they're no longer unheard of. PS: About the excess of Black Cats and Mary Janes, that will not really diminish anytime soon. Gwens too.


I actually enjoy the FanService Con comics quite a bit. Kind of hoping in the future for more large group comics like them or if you are going to move away from OCs maybe the Avengers or better yet the New Agents of Atlas team (and with Silk on that team some Spidey shenanigans can occur)

Jules Teak

I would say it depends on how they're used. Admittedly, the only comic I've gotten with customer characters was Baninjet - where they were used well. Moving the plot, while keeping focus on the established characters.


I don't mind OC, and I don't mind OC and mainstream mixing. I tend to like cosplay titles less, though.


Yes, I had honestly forgotten that Banginjet was another example with mixed OC's. If R-ex ever returns to collaborating with me, I might consider doing a sequel to it.


Large crowds are fun but it usually makes for a less interesting narrative. That's why I try to balance things and evenly space those stories with the ones with a smaller cast.


I dunno if this is common or completely unique to me, but I find it really difficult to get into cosplay-themed erotic stories because cosplayers exist in our own, real life reality. They don't live in the comic book reality where Spider-Man, Black Cat and MJ live. When I read a book about Spider-Man getting it on with Jean Grey, my mind thinks "This is happening in Earth 616, a reality where people with super-human abilities engage in battle while wearing spandex costumes. If Peter Parker can invent web-shooters as a teen in this reality, maybe he can seduce a super-hot telepath. After all, I already know that he can seduce a super-hot model." When I read a book about cosplayers, my mind thinks "This is supposed to be happening in real life, a reality where geeks get to take photos and interact with hot cosplayers but not sleep with them." To my brain, at least, "Spider-Cest" is a more plausible concept than "Fanservice Convention". I hope that makes sense.


I understand, but I don't quite agree. I personally think cosplayer sexworkers working pro-bono seems way more plausible than getting super powers from a radioactive spider.


I appreciate the poll. But I clicked I'm fine with whatever you put out because I trust your creative capability! I've loved your parodies and if you want to branch out beyond that then you have my vote of confidence! Keep up the great work TS


personally i loved the cosplay comics and the mix of ic with mainstream is curious but interesting concept and would to see a bit more of it. And seeing we are on the subject of this, would it be a good idea to suggest crossovers with other content like dc comics in the future. I mean we got cross-over fanfiction it would be fun to see something like that with the 18+ comics.

Ars Gratia Artis

If the OC is part of the story, then it's okay. For instance, if a woman is trapped by Arcade and the only way she can escape is by having sex with Spider-Man, who's also trapped, then that would work.


It all depends on the OC. Don't love the convention cos-play girls. Maybe you could have some background character make a few cameos, get inspired to take up the life, and try to "convince" various heroes to take on a sidekick. You could do a sexy version of an Oliver Osnick "Spider-Kid" type character. (the Whore-oines for Hire kid was practically an OC and that worked.)


I thought the Ryker's Bait OC was going to be about a 40 year old MILF with the ability to switch Shazam-style into a 15-year-old teen superhero. She could be an ally/rival/enemy with Adult or High School Spider-people.


I voted for "I'm fine with anything, as long as it's sexy and fun", but I would also like to add, "with great art". I know it's not possible to have stellar artists but when you do collaborate or get one, it makes the story even better. As, always, I'm looking forward to your next comics!


I am fine with OCs in the comics as long as they don't drag the other mainstream characters into boring monotony.

Nathan Graves

I'm down with anything as long as it has symbiotes :)