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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding PORN OF THE REALMS: STRANGE SWITCH in the comments below.




Loved it! There isnt enough M2F body swap porn.


I'll be honest this was a weird issue...... but hot.

Spooney Bard

Porn of the Realms spoofs a minor CM issue to great effect. It stays perfectly in continuity (we never see exactly when Spidey gets there also shout out to the crocodile fight in that one) with the original issue and builds to a witty series of twists. It's fun to guess who is who, the reactions are pitch perfect, and the pairings went to interesting places. A fine issue, if slightly slight as this series of pairings aren't well established. If this came out last year this would be the most baffling issue ever. Anyway good to see mind-swapping, it worked great in Thwipped and again here. Art felt a bit rushed, but with four people it can get a bit chaotic. Like the year's best issue (Ghost vs Goblin) it dug deep into a modern issue, but that paired off a coupling I wanted forever. This is just not on that level psychologically or emotionally because the characters inhabit such strongly varied tales. When Spidey and Ghost Rider appear in the books its utterly random.


This was an interesting concept, and I thought it was done pretty well. Art and color was good but not great. The dialog was fine, though in a mind-swap story perhaps it'd be good to go to greater lengths to differentiate each character. Overall a damn fine book IMO, though it could have been better.

Just another Monday

Excellent handling of 4 characters & the story was funny. First Carol 'fucking' up then Peter, I loved it all. Not knowing who was as who was hawt, bcuz when Peter was in Carol's body, it was fun to see Carol use his to fuck. Excellent 1 off. Plus Black Widow on Spidey is a good match since both can go all night & all day. 9/10 Sorry for late response; work IRL