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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding SCREWBALL in the comments below.



Just another Monday

She screwed his balls. But really tho, that was an inspired story. Lety is a talented writer, as Screwball could have come off as lame & overt, but instead was well written as this over-energized social media hound 'fucking up' Spidey with sex toys. The part where she grinds Spidey, and that comment on "see us make Spider-babies" really gives me an itch to see Lety work with Tracy for a sequel to this comic. Final Score - 98%, could use some more acrobatics on Spider-dick. XD


Also, this version of MJ's super cute.

That black guy

Captain Watanabe being the only one who clearly is like "a hey we need to actually stop this" was a nice touch for her character

Spooney Bard

I guess we can call this month a wash, but Spider-man vs. Screwball just wasn't my bag. I can't think of a spotlight feature I was this indifferent to in some time. I'm not a huge fan of the game's aesthetics in general, I don't even like the random black on the MCU suit and this giant negative whitespace emblem never worked for me. While cool to see the supporting cast, many of whom haven't had solid ink in a long while, they existed solely to end the eroticism. A logical character decision, but spending so much time with them was basically a distraction. On Screwball herself she represented the BND era in a nutshell. She had an interesting design, and a clever character basis. A parkour-loving (wow that was a long time ago) IG influencer in the universe of metahuman powers intentionally ignoring a full and fulfilling life in order to commodize a lifestyle. It was a great idea and is used to great effect in Letty and Tracy's pen, but there is an issue. She isn't a person. Beyond her pitch she never really was given any form of character, any motivation, she can't grow or inhabit a major role because she was sketched out but never given a chance to breathe. She has no beginning, and no ending, no meaning to her pretending. She just keeps going because there is nothing else to do, a sextoy that replaces the real thing. Thought experiment, imagine her voice while working (west coast coolly ironic with a hint of hot jazz to me) and now try to imagine her normal voice. So as negative as this review sounds, I must say it perfectly adapted the comics from which it was derived. Perhaps then this was a perfect story, if self-defeating.


Indeed Screwball is a very curious character. We know barely nothing about her, no real name, no backstory and a hint of a purpose, which is to become more and more famous. We did our most to try and mimic her traits here, but you're right about that: her whole narrative purpose is to represent an idea, opposed to being a real tridimensional character.

Just another Monday

I can see where bard is coming from and his opinion has merit, but given what I know about the character from the comics & the PS4 version, I feel like Lety did a good job presenting her as she did. A fair representation with little to go on, and a fun fuck fest with fleshlights was well done. It was self-defeating in the merits he points out, but it was a modest win in how it kept the character true to form.


Your team should have made one about spider man fuckin the rage out of Captain watanabe after what happens to her in the dlc of the game


I'm hoping this isn't the last we see of Tracy spiderman ps4 verse


I loved her comment on social media especially the tumblr one. XD


This was worth reading just for that one panel of her standing on Spidey's schlong.