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As you know, I’ve been producing porn parody comics for many years, and I've released more than a hundred comics so far.

But deep down, I always had a fondness for animated and interactive content. So, it's time to dip my toes in some new, sloppy waters.

So here comes...

It will be completely new tip-jar campaign, unrelated to this current one which will remain exclusive for my comic parodies. To start, I have a line-up of small-to-medium projects there,  which will evolve in a will-do-my-best pace.

I'm sure you have many questions, so I'll go ahead and try to solve the most obvious ones:

- Games? Why the fuck are you doing that?
According to my own research, porn parody games have an even bigger audience than porn parody comics. And I am huge fan of games and other forms of interactive content too. I even produced a few thingies in the last few years, as you may remember. So, I decided to give it a try.
- But I don't care about these stupid games. Can't you keep doing only comics?
After 110 comics, I feel a bit understimulated to keep the current pace. I love doing them, but I don't wanna overburn my creative energy and lose any will to keep doing these stories. So, instead of just stopping and moving into something else, I decided to do something new and exciting, finding a way to balance my creative energy.
- Will you release monthly games?
No. The plan is to post frequent updates on the games in production (weekly, probably) and charge patrons for each relevant update (monthly or bi-weekly, at first). Games are much more complicated to do and it will take me a little while to figure out the best schedule for them, especially considering I will also keep producing comics work.
- What will this new Games Campaign mean for the current Comics Campaign?
At first, nothing will change. But as the Games Campaign grow and their milestones are achieved, I will most likely change some things on the monthly Comics releases. My first idea would be to make just ONE monthly comic instead of two, but with a few more pages. But let's cross that bridge when we get there, okay?
- There's like a gazillion types of games. What can we expect?
At first, due to my lack of experience, I'll be focusing on CYOA games, like simple Motion Comic Interactions and Visual Novel Ren'py stuff. I'd love to do a side-scrolling beat'em up like '91 Arcade Game, so I put that on my long-term list. If things really soar, I'll consider more complex games, like isometric grid RPGs and whatnots.
- How often will I be charged for my pledge?
The initial plan is to make 1 or 2 paid posts every month. No more than that. There could be a few months I don't even charge you anything, if I have nothing substantial to present. So, you can decide how much you'd like to contribute based on this info.

That's it for now.
It's all pretty sketchy at this moment, but I'm already working on the scripts and game narrative branching, so I hope to have more news as soon as humanly possible.

So, if you'd like to support me in this new endeavour, check out the Games Campaign and send a few bucks to the cause.

If not, just wish me luck. ;)

PS: November comics are already being sent right now and if you were already a patron before Nov 30th, you should receive your rewards link at some point within the next 24 hours. Stay tuned.


Tracyverse Games is creating Interactive Smut | Patreon

Hello, I'm Tracy Scops. I've been producing porn parody comics for many years, and you may have seen my stories on the web. I've released more than a hundred comics so far, but deep down, I always had a fondness for animated and interactive content. So, here we are...



I have another question I would like to ask. Are you sure you can handle the workload? 2 comics a month, AND now making games on the side? Sounds like an awfully busy schedule.


If I’m sure? Of course not. I’m not sure of anything in life. But I’m lucky enough to build a humble following by doing terrible sex jokes seems not so terrible. I’m basically winging things as I go, which got me this far, as of yet.