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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding SQUIRREL GIRL in the comments below.




Wait!? Guys don't like looking at big yellow alien penises? I did NOT know that... 😏

Spooney Bard

Squirrel Girl gets her own feature, and it is perfectly fine. Main shout out to the art which is beyond smooth and cheeky. If the goal was to mirror Marvel's comedy story house style then this was an exacting success. At first I thought Kraven was a bit soft but given the Mojoverse elements of the story it makes all the sense for Sergei to have a milder appearance. But yeah most of this was a buildup to SG's characterization and goofball eccentricity, and that was done well. I thought a dp was still a bit too much and laughed when she immediately agreed. The story plays out genially with only two minor surprises, I thought Mojo was great and I'd like to see more of his hentaiverse. Shout out to consentacles and Doreen's fandom, the spiciest element in the mix on this one. Speaking of cheeky from earlier I love the rodent sword fight joke, that even could have had more panels. It was the best part of the sex because it combined the eros and humor ans still worked utterly on both levels. If there are qualms it's primarily that this story lacks a bit of a pulse. After the tablepus goes the story is more like a rollercoaster, it blew its big drop immediately and the rest is just a mild jaunt. It was great that SG got her own book but not too much was really done from there, it felt as though Spidey was rather tertiary. Not that its a bad thing necessarily, he can take a bit more backseat now and then.


TBH Doreen has always annoyed me as a character and she continues to annoy me in this book, which I guess means the characterization was spot-on. The art was really great. Even better than what appears in the real Squirrel Girl comic. Kraven was pretty cool. He's always been one of the better villains Spidey contends with. Overall I found this to be a competently done book featuring a character I really dislike, but if you like Squirrel Girl I guess this is an instant classic for ya.