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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding RAGNAROK in the comments below.



im just a pigeon

surtur ragnaroking hela was great.


I really liked this book. Loved Thor: Ragnarok and I thought Hela's characterization here was pretty spot-on. The script really came out amazing on this one, and while I was reading it almost felt like I was hearing the actual movie characters saying the lines in my head. That art was pretty good too. The end showing Hela and Surtur was the weakest part of it for me. I figured Hela would at least pretend to not be fazed by him, but this is a relatively minor complaint about a book that was otherwise a home run.


More funny than sexy IMO, but still good

Spooney Bard

Ned's reference to No-nut November might be the most ironic in-joke ever, as these books make that goal Sisyphean. After a somewhat dry 2018 we have not just the two best Scopsverse tales of 2018 but two of the top ten stories ever in a single month. Spider-man Ragnarok improbably attempts to make three distinct MCU characters work together despite none ever appearing together before and completely nails it beyond my wildest expectations from the poll. It's frankly hard to say what worked best: the humor, characterization, or narrative thrust. Even Hela evolves in her lust towards earthlings, her perspective sexually gives way to her crafting a Neo-Asgard on earth with Jane as a bride and Pete her executioner. In contrast Jane Foster becomes a Lady Thor, using Spidey as a hammer to escape this threat and science as her power. Pete sees himself as above others (in his conversation with Ned especially) but learns to work together towards a common goal. Criticism is basically impossible. The only quibbles are art based, although well drawn (especially the postures, swordplay, framing, x-ray, montage) there was a bit bothering me. We don't get a good view of the futajob in any of the three panels, or the Hela on Peter either, which was a small letdown. Cate's likeness was rendered brilliantly, that's why the LOTR joke works so well, but Jane was a bit round in the face and chest to conjure Natalie Portman. But to hell with that, it was exceptional. Anything I could say would be a spoiler, just read it or pledge it next month, if you're not a patron start, if you're a lurker make an account. Last two years we had Darkcember (Banginjet and Outerspace Groupie) but this year we have Noirvember and it was sweet.


One of your best! I love your MCU Spidey stuff, and this was both funny and a satisfying heroes vs. villain story.