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I have received mixed suggestions regarding the frequency of my updates on the Activity Feed. Some people are a bit annoyed by the daily content while a few others keep asking for even more. So, to keep people from getting fed up with constant posting, I suggest you edit your email notifications settings at the link below: https://www.patreon.com/settings You can even manage them in a way to get only the private messages and check the updates on the actual site whenever you wish to. =) Let me know what you guys think about that. Thank you all.


Spooney Bard

I love the updates, it would be dreadful if only once a month there was anything to look at. Where would the intrigue go? What about the people who can only afford select titles? Just uncheck every E-mail box and you'll be fine people. Also post more updates! (Sorry for the request).


I try to post at least once each day. But sometimes I just get too excited and go on a roll with new content and promotions of artists I think should get some spotlight attention. Also, for a bit more clarification: Usually I post everything related to my own content under creations and all other related content under activity, so people can manage their preferences according to their tastes. (Sometimes I make mistakes with what goes where, though. And for that, I apologize in advance...)