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I posted this back in December, when we started working on this comic. But recent patrons may have not seen it yet due to it being buried under a hundred more recent posts. In any case, here's an overlook on the character studies for this comic. Art by Rosita Amici http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/GeckUP




...about the guest star, it's a VERY BRIEF appearance, on the LAST panel of the last page. But since Rosi is an amazing collaborator, she decided to do a profile on that character too. Any guesses on who that might be?

Vulgar Maestro

Artwork looks "Amazing " ;), then again, Rosita's stuff always does. She could totally be a legitimate comic book artist with those skills. Has she ever tried to get her foot in the door? As far as guessing who the surprise guest is...I was going to guess Spider-Bitch, but the haircut is a bit too short. It's definitely a female character. Is it a Spider-Man related female character? Come on and tell me...I'll give you a cookie :D!


Let me disagree a bit: Rosita IS a legitimate comic artist. She even had work published in italian magazines. I don't think we should think of erotic comics as something below what the most famous publishers put out. The fact that THEY do that is a problem is on their own. =) As soon as they put their moralism out the door, the world will become much mentally healthier. As for the guest, all I can say is that is not a random character. It's Spidey related and is definitely related to the ones in this story. Just maybe not as you might first think. Consider this a riddle, surrounded by a mystery, wrapped inside an enigma and stuffed inside of a secret. ;)

Vulgar Maestro

I'm sorry Tracy, I should have worded that better. I never meant to say Rosita was anything less than amazing, quite the opposite in fact, I LOVE her artwork. The fact that she's been published like that doesn't surprise me at all. I guess what I meant by "legitimate" was I was wondering if she had ever tried to get an art job with one of the major comic book companies, like actually drawing for MARVEL. Or if that was even something she was interested in. That's just how great I think her art is, that I think she could totally get a job doing mainstream comic book work, if she wanted to. And I totally agree, I hate when people look down on erotic artwork. That's why I love seeing erotic artwork done by accepted mainstream artists like Adam Hughes, Bruce Timm, and many more who have done pieces here and there over the years. Artists who are touted in the industry for their amazing creativity yet who also have a naughty side and don't mind showing it off.


I think she would want to work at those major publishers, but since there would be no naughty things to do there, she would rather be doing those beautiful erotic commissions for a living.

Spooney Bard

Tough one, but judging by the spine position and hair I'm going on a limb with Lady Octopus.