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Hey guys! 

Here below my estimated schedule for the month.
Also, here's some IMPORTANT NOTICES:

  • The rewards are planned to be sent in September 15th. From the next term on, the release dates should get back to earlier dates, closer to start of the month. Thanks for the patience.
  • Contests are on hiatus until I clear the older winners list and finish all the co-writer projects from the 100th comic celebration.
    (Optimistic return of contests: 2-3 months from now)

In case of any changes, this is the place you will find the most updated info.

( ...last updated Sep/30th)

✅ Sep, 1-4th: Working on the upcoming comics
Sep, 5th: Send the Recapper Forms (ALL SENT)
✅ Sep, 6-17th: Finish up the new releases
Sep, 18th: Send the July Comic Rewards (Sent)
✅ Sep, 19-30th: Working on the upcoming comics  
Sep, 25th: Reveal of the new comics for this month 

Thanks once again for your amazing support.
This campaign only exists because YOU make it happen.

Stay fappin!




Man, poor Peter, he looks utterly traumatized.


I suspect many other patrons felt the same way at the end of that story (Mystique)... ... and for many different reasons.