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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding GWENPOOL #100 in the comments below.



Spooney Bard

Gwenpoole 100 is a nice exploration of the Tracyverse (although I always thought Scopsverse sounded more absolute lol) on many levels that worked to varying degrees. Most of the thoughts espoused in this book are ones I've thought myself, which gives me a curious mix of shame and fuzzy feelings. I'll start with the best stuff, the inserts and the pseudo-sequels. In pseudo-sequels we have stories that continue the on panel action. Many Scops tales have an image bait of further sex we ran out of time for, an often funny but sometimes too tantalizing element. Which is why the Auntcumming panels were so satisfying, if anything this whole comic could have been made of such random sequelbait last pages. The Inheritors joke made me laugh, but then reignited the desire so 50/50 there. In inserts I loved SS1, it was extremely hot and funny and I always thought that issue could have used futasymbiote. Bizarrely this issue was huge on Felicia/Gwen, with both threesome issues also referenced. Futastyque was great to see, and I dug Gp's shocked/horrified face when reading Outerspace Groupie (which was the point). The Clonecest actually made more sense in Deadpool, as the threeway in GP 2 was all girl and about meeting Bryce and Emma. If one element didn't quite work its the pure voyeurism spots. Spidercest was just flatly used. The first "it was me" reveal worked from Haptics but the Fappening one fell flat (also I was totally fine with that twist). With the gauntlet she could do whatever she wants, so pure masturbation just didn't connect even as a meta-narrative (comic as literal dildo though killed it). Overall a fitting celebration, an excuse to revisit old faves (not you Venomess series you're permanently on my shit list), and a call for anyone not keeping up to get your back issues!


I loved the art style, much better than anything I've ever seen. From the realistic body tones to the very detailed clothing. It made what was previously good artwork and sensual positions in the previous issues even more fascinating. Props to the artist for creating interesting images for the story to work with. Would like to see more of this style to the art in the future.


One of the better books, IMO. Usually I don't really enjoy the ones where a ton of stuff is going on and you only get like one or two panels to flesh out a "scene" but this was ok because it was clearly meant to be a medley of sorts. In terms of quality the art was top notch and the writing was pretty good as well. No real complaints, except that part at the end where the comic itself joins the action throws me off because I can't help but think of how soggy the paper would get and there would be little wet pieces of it everywhere.


More funny than sexy, but it was so funny I didn't mind.


This one was a fun recap of all your comics though there some things that Gwen that I agree with, like the Inheritors still waiting for that sequel (though I know why it wasn't done in the first place, but there are other people out there who could work on it). And the thing of ragequitters its sad that fans of those do not have much hope that issues like "House of Zoo & Futa Mystique" will be done in the future. I was thinking wouldn't it be an idea to have a separate pot/funding/tier for those kind of comics/supporters, like personally I don't like yaoi stuff but wouldn't negate support if there are others who do like it, we all got different fetishes and project like these help us to see them come to blossom. Wouldn't mind to brainstorm about that more.

Spooney Bard

It's a fascinating idea but economically unfeasonable. This is a niche field in an area where anyone making a go is going to have a hard time. The producer has to rely on partners who could be gone at any moment and a financial system that is wildly antagonistic. The decision for Patreon to go to UK servers alone has bled thousands from content creators this past month. Also all Tracy already lets people go to a lower tier if that month's content is not to their taste. For those people I remind them that this is a nigh impossible field to work in, and maybe you should consider pledging just to keep the wheels running as I do. In terms of specific tiers for exact content well thats a can of worms. It effectively makes her some sort of artistic slave, only making works that yield a precise number. Consider books with Miles. Many users enjoy them, Scops certainly likes his book, and thus seven of her works have had him as the lead. However he has been in every poll and is normally on the losing end. Consider hard stories, which she certainly doles out sparingly but generally more frequently, that won three straight. If we consider his chance at 1/20 (it might be lower) the odds that these two types of stories are equal in popularity is less than 1/8000. Thus the solution offered would not lead to new and exciting fetishes (which I'm in favor of) but a feedback loop in which no new fetish could ever get enough support to get a story produced. We should all be grateful she has stuck it out thus far.


True and I'm also grateful for it. But as I said it was just an idea, hence brainstorm.


Main problem would actually be the time. I barely have the time to do 2 comics a month. Adding a third with fringe themes is just not possible for me.