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Hey guys! Here below my estimated schedule for the month.
Also, here's some IMPORTANT NOTICES:
  • Patreon seems to be having trouble and declining a unusual high number of supporters this month. According to their twitter, they're on to it and should fix it soon.
  • The rewards are planned to be sent in August 17th for the reasons mentioned in my earlier posts. Thanks for the patience.

In case of any changes, this is the place you will find the most updated info.

( ...last updated Aug/31st)

✅ Aug, 1-9th: Working on the upcoming comics
✅ Aug, 10th: Send the Recapper Forms (ALL SENT)
✅  Aug, 11-16th: Finish up the new releases
✅  Aug, 17th: Send the July Comic Rewards (ALL SENT)
✅ Aug, 18-31st: Working on the upcoming comics  
Aug, 26th: Reveal of the new comics for this month 

Also, about the Contests:
I decided to pause the contests for now until I get the pending list cleared. There are many contest winners still in production (or still in rough script phase) and I want to get that sorted asap before taking on new ideas. Also, some of the awesomest of you guys filled in for the 6 discounted co-writer spots, which will require a lot of my attention for the next 2-3 months.

So, stay tuned for more news. 

Thanks once again for your amazing support.
This campaign only exists because YOU make it happen.

Stay fappin!




Wait, how big is the pending list?