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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding INFINITY WAR in the comments below.




Very funny and sexy comic. Mantis is a very sexy character, so her character isn't sacrificed too much by the smut. Wish it was a little longer, but overall very good. Favorite: Mantis letting Rocket bang her. Negative: Ego looks like Luke Skywalker from The Last Jedi (I swear I thought that this was some sort of crossover.) XD


Very fun, wish there was more smut between Mantis and Peter. I think if the flashback portions (aka two pages) could have been cut and more smut between Pete/Mantis. This would have rectified it. Ending though is killer.

Benjamin 'Nothing but BS' Sussman

The dialogue and art here was some of the best yet. I really enjoyed your handling of Mantis here, and she looks just so darn adorable. I really hope that we'll be seeing more collabs from you and LLamaboy in the future


This ignited my lustful need for more Mantis smut, thanks for that.


Funny, hot, and cute; veeerrry nice.

im just a pigeon

on the last page , didn’t anyone else have that speech bubble just there with no one around? Who said it?

Spooney Bard

Infinity War kept its focus, was funny and sexy, and was a highly anticipated pairing. Although only having two movie appearances to base this entire story on, Mantis was still a very brilliantly realized creation. Who didn't see an eggs joke coming? If we need an alt title it should be Good Vibrations (yes a music joke in a GotG comic) because it was like a soothing garden in the middle of a war zone. Mantis' scenes were funny, hot, and dark in reverse order and I was quite piqued by all three and welcome their inclusion. Bit odd with the SL/Gamora pairing but you made it work with Mantis' comments at the end. Ego perfectly named and used here, if the face didn't quite gel. In theory I'd be thrilled to see some Homecoming girls, but Liz's scene is porn for ants. Michelle was glorious but with a whole year since the premiere and the way the poll went down this month it stings in a bittersweet way. If an less obvious story like this got made it pains we may never get these two, especially since To-May had two starring works and a big extended cameo.


I mean what a pair of cute characters, what's not to love? LlamaBoy did a wonderful job, Mantis looked truly gorgeous throughout.


This is probably the funniest comic I've read from here, and it is my new fave. Great call-backs to the movie too. The Drax panel had me spurting cola out my nose. Honestly I never thought I'd see the day my number one wouldn't be a Spider-Cest title.


Even hotter to have Mantis pleasuring Ego now with that Holiday Special reveal.