April Releases (Patreon)
2015-03-15 15:00:42
18 comics released.
20+ comics in production.
aprox. 300 supporters
aprox. 3.5k a month.
Still not bad at all.
All thanks to you, my dear supporters.
Finally Spidercest resumes. Bayushi is back!
Sorry about the wait, but it was inevitable. The next two issues are well into advanced production and should be released in a much more steady rate. This issue has colors by Xurcolor.
As for the dark part of the month: GWENOM!
And I really mean dark. Dub-con at least. Art by the freakin' awesome Shade and colors by Ben Marxx.
The full list of available comics can be seen in the link below:
Be sure to update your current pledges according to your interest before March 31st, which can be done by going to the page below: http://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=313614
After that, all pledges are final and changes will only be considered for the next month's cycle.
Thank you so much for your patience and, above all, for your trusting support over my first full semester on Patreon.
It's still being a wonderful journey!