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Sometimes I receive inbox questions that might be in the interest of other patrons. So I decided to make a few of them public, along with the answer provided.

Can I pay you now with paypal and get my comics right away?

Unfortunately, the short answer to that question is no. 

The comics are only available through Patreon.
Here's the long answer: 

I used to sell these by paypal, but they closed my account on the basis that no obscene content could be negotiated through their system. I went looking for other alternatives and discovered that every webpayment system has that same disregard, being uninterested in having their share of what the XXX industry could be worth to them. That includes Googlepay, Amazon and many others. 

So I had to move to Patreon, which is fine with that kind of content, providing me with a home I can trust. 

Their system seems a little complicated to understand at first, but it allows me to continue my series of comics. That's why, currently, it's the only method of purchase of my stories. 

Patreon works a bit different than most other webpayment systems. It's more like a fund backing system to allow me to keep producing comics at a steady rate. 

When you make a pledge, you are not charged right away. You will be only charged on 1st day of every following month, and then you'll receive the comics next month, through this message system (according to the amount you have selected). 

If you're pledging for a Recapper category, you'll receive a form to select your rewards after the turn of the month. 

If you're pledging for a $69 Collector category, you'll receive all current comics in the next reward wave and after that you can switch to the $10 Subscriber tier and keep getting the TWO new comics every month.


Other FAQs can be found here:



Isn’t gumroad a viable alternative?


Not really. Despite the common practice, Gumroad's TOS is very explicit about prohibition of adult content and other issues that make its use a dealbreaker for me.


Aaaah thanks ! Patreon can be a little confusing !