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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding MYSTIQUE in the comments below.



Jack Charlotte

I had no issue with the futa aspect of this issue. With that said, I still feel as though the concept of Mystique in a porn setting was woefully underutilized. Spidey rightfully has an apprehensive vibe to the prospect of sleeping with Raven. With her shape-shifting abilities, she could have been able to coax him by indulging in any and all fantasies he can conjure up in his mind. The futa element, as it stands, could even be kept intact; Peter's guard is finally dropped and he is really into this sex marathon he and Raven have started, which is when Raven grows herself a cock to either jack off or get Peter to stimulate for her own added pleasure. It could delve further into Raven's pan-sexuality and eventually end the same way the comic actually does. This wasn't a horrible issue in my eyes; as always, Llamaboy's art is great, and some portions of the comic were really good. Again, even though futa isn't my thing, I thought the ending was pretty hilarious in its own twisted way. I just feel like the near-limitless potential of Mystique in a sexual setting could have done so much more than what came about.


I enjoyed this, but the joke about Peter being uncomfortable with Mystique going shemale goes on a bit long.


I see what you meant in that last thread about not knowing what was coming. *smiles gleefully* Glad to be surprised.


Ironically, considering how Peter/Spidey as a character is generally thought to have one of the highest self-insert possibilites for his readers, I couldn't help but notice how his reactions in this story seemed to mirror what dozens of my patrons stated about Mystique having a dick: A series of capitalized NOPEs. 🙃

Spooney Bard

I'm a bit saddened by this one as a fan of futa. Mystique (the book that is) seems to pull back to such an extreme it was barely an aside much less the total feature of a story (both halves of Spiderling had more meat on their bones) in my estimation. All the best parts actually highlight the issues (fears of homoeroticism probably tamed this one it seems to me). My favorite image is when Pete is inside Raven's pussy while stroking the rod. Yes played for laughs but it was still an erotic image. The second is the cliched, but still hot, procession of fetish idols (an alternative universe me is enjoying her transform into dozens of ladies). If the issue ended with a parallel to the Anna-May Lizard pegging with her exploding over both of them that would have been something. But the issue's main focus was comedy, which only really worked with the very final panel (a clever deconstruction of the cumshot ending in pornography). The color contrast (even noted in panel) never really came off because Pete never really disrobed and since the giant reveal comes so late we never see much action below. We never even got a panel of kissing or oral which would've looked great. I get the comedic element of giant Styqe but it was weirdly unerotic as an image, it existed to be entered and its actual climax was played off panel. As a fetish it never became an on-panel tool for anything but giggles. Maybe this is a fetish for some people but I am apparently not one of them, but maybe the next futa story will be more to my liking.


I enjoyed this one a lot. I don't see how Mystique was "underutilized" in the story. I think she showed what she is capable of doing sexually well and there was enough pages to give the Mystique's perverseness and humor depth.


However, I wish there was more onomatopoeia with regards to the sex. The last panel could have ended with Spidey being plastered with much more cum (With a cock that big? Come on. ) But overall, loved the comic.


Pardon me for quoting myself here, but I think it's important to remind of this little fact: "My stories are about sex, but not necessarily about erotica. They aren't always meant for the readers' arousal. Sometimes they're just narratives of how these characters act and react about sex in it's most diverse forms. Sometimes sex is used for violence, sometimes for emotional connection, sometimes just comedy alone. So, if you don't find some of my stories fap-material worthy; then worry not: sometimes they were not really intended to be." As for the presence of futa, it's a very thin ice layer. Most patrons are VERY irked by fringe themes, so I have to take baby steps with some fetishes. I love the fact that I have the liberty to explore whatever fetish I want at free will. But, on the other hand, what I want the most is to continue making comics. So I need to find balance in what I want vs. what my readers don't want, otherwise neither me or you guys will get what we love, in the end. 😉


Kinda feel like we needed another female to complete the trifacta.


This was not bad, just flawed. I'm neither a fan of futa nor am I repulsed by it. I just feel if it's gonna be there at all, it might as well be fully realized. I think the characterization of Mystique was good and the futa aspect does fit her character, but the shape-shifting aspect of her powers didn't really come into play much. So that's two promising avenues that this comic hinted at but ultimately never fully explored. The art was great too, so overall a mixed bag. EDIT: So I read the comments on here and I gather that this wasn't the most popular release ever. I think this could have been handled better. The comics DO venture into uncommon fetishes every now and again, and I support that, but the thing is they come too infrequently for the Patreon to build up a sizable audience for them and so what you have is a group of patrons primarily in it for more regular fare (plus pseudo-incestual overtones in Spidercest I guess). Maybe the alternative comic for the month should have been selected to be more conventional, to make up for this one being a bit out there. Don't get me wrong, I liked Spiderling, but there's some freaky shit in there too which is not for everyone. Thinking back on the comic itself it kinda feels like Mystique's jabs at Peter are more directed at the patrons who complained about the topic, which is another negative mark on the product. Can't we just leave it off as a difference of taste? Patrons are putting their money into this venture. If they don't like the result for one reason or another, it's reasonable that they get to communicate this dissatisfaction. They're not entitled to have their whims catered to, but they should be heard.

Spooney Bard

We've started a fascinating discussion on art vs commerce in criticism in this thread so I'll through my hat back inside the ring. There really isn't a story that absolutely beyond reproach, people can dislike things for any number of wholly valid including entirely personal reasons. The Patreon system creates this issue in a major way it seems, and appears to have an effect on many creators wherein they get hyper-immediate feedback that stymies risk. Case in point I found 2016 to be a rather weak year for the Scopsverse, but I stuck it out and was rewarded with the uber-risky Outerspace Groupie. It's chief virtue that it unabashedly embraced its core theme providing an incisive look into the abyss. I freely admit it's impossible to deny many elements of this story are a deconstructionist manifesto on the audience's desires, with many lines also serving as a meta-commentary on expectations and fears of readers. I feel this adds to the spice and intrigue of the story, a little bit of razzing can lead the consumer of art to new understandings and I sincerely doubt that this commentary is meant with bile. Also note I found 2017 much better (my top ten has only one story from 2016) and have little doubt 2018 will be a superb year. On more vanilla stories I distinctly recall many being unhappy with Now, Vogue as MJ/Gwen/Peter had been used twice before. To me this is an absolute ideal match, I virtually have an limitless appetite for such stories. Yet after 92 issues I do understand such worries and often I find a desire for more boundary pushing works. In particular there seems a glut of A-lister starlet has Spidey wrapped around her finger works (people really want the big names). Now I wholly admit my position is one of major ignorance and maybe this month's output has caused a major financial hit to Tracy affecting the production of future stories. I should hope that's not the case, I have been here since almost the beginning without any dips in support even when the issues didn't interest me, but I can only speak for my own position. Perhaps she feels a need to defend her position because of this, but I can't relate as I'm someone with no real background in the arts. In the past I abstained from criticism, after all negativity was bound to creep in at times. If she was making stories I wanted, well then I was happy to go about my business and why should she care what I think? After some time with her requesting feedback I decided to try my hand at reviews. Overall I think in some ways she found new avenues to explore, and has improved at finding grander tales.


There's not too much I can add further here without getting into a too defensive argument. But, from my experience while doing this for quite a few good years, there's no such thing as a specific "freaky shit" area in rule 34. Even what I consider the tamest among my content is already considered taboo for most people. So, as a general rule, I tend to use the whole space on my personal fetish spectrum to create my stories. Sometimes it hits a bigger audience on the spot, sometimes only a few get tingled in their fantasies. Part of that is diluted by the 2 different comics-a-month variations, but that's the main reason I allow patrons to select 1, 2 or even ZERO comics each term. One's weird is another's fapfuel. And despite what all the comments on these threads may suggest, the majority of my patrons are more into the freaky shit than on the lovey-dovey content. Even in the busiest months, vocal patrons represent less than 5% of all patrons. Maybe around 10% on the Contests (which by the way, usually gets more crazy ideas than cute). So, while I do take into consideration everything my patrons say and take notes, what speaks louder is the number of patrons that come and go, and this number hasn't significantly changed in more than a year. The only clear note I got from the silent majority was when House of Zoo was released, which is currently the only fringe theme I feel reticent on exploring again. Bottomline is: Always expect nasty and cute (and everything in between), and adjust your pledges accordingly to what tingles you. I feel a bit sad that some of you may not enjoy some of what I create, but I am ultimately happy that I am allowed to create it anyway. 🤓


Not often that I don't like one of the works but this one I would grade at a very low D. Art was not that attractive, and the whole dick girl thing is not what I signed up for.


A bit late to the party discussion here, but will still give mine two cent. Well as fun as it was it felt disappointed that this was kinda to show Spidey he's more like those who complained here who don't like futa. Personally not the biggest fan of futa but how Mystique has done her dick without balls and still have her vagina is something that I utterly support in the futa verse, its like a strapon that gives both participants pleasure and gives a nice mess (as we can see at the end of this comic ;) ). Would have really loved to see Spidey to be into it, but alas you gotha cater a lot of people here. But I got a suggestion/idea that could be nice for us who don't mine/want to see such a thing, if such a idea/project wouldn't it be a good idea for those who wanted to see to give a bit more for it like if the regular patron gives $10,- for the regular 2 comics that if/when you want to do another futa(or other extreme subject) that we give/change our support to give $15,- for that month so that the extra $5,- can be used for said extreme project. So that the ones who arnt into it still have there regular show and the ones who do want to see it get there ahem fix. But that's mine thoughts on it maybe something to bring up in a post.

Cesar The Salad

Ugh I'm dumb, I forgot to comment about this. I really enjoyed this one, despite the reservations I expressed. Most of it was male/female fun which I enjoy, and the parts where it got "weird" I also found entertaining just for how Peter reacted to it. So I stand corrected. Great work overall. :)