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While the Patreon guys work their charging magic and transform your generous pledges in shiny coins, I present to you my new project, and a very interactive one.

I have a rough plot and you guys will help me write it, describing scenes and situations.

I will work as a benevolent tyrant, hearing your pleads but making the ultimate choices on what will be in the story and what won't.

About the story:
First of all, this will be a darker one. Not for every taste. If it's not your cup of tea, worry not. I will do a more sugary one after this (if this even works out, which I'm counting on).

I already have an artist working on the cover for this.
I'll show it to you when it's available.

Well then… The Plot!
Cletus Kasady, aka Carnage, had this crazy idea, inspired by a British TV show he recently watched on Netflix.

He kidnaps a certain popular redhead actress/model and demands that Spider-Man and Black cat have some nasty sex on live TV, or he'll kill her.

Since Spidey has no clue where Carnage may be and MJ's fans start a social media crusade, turning the public opinion on favor of the Live sex act between the masked vigilantes, which they eventually perform.

Meanwhile, for some reason you guys will help me figure out, MJ is forced to please Cletus while he watches the Live Porn Broadcast.

That's what I got so far.

Now, you guys can help me create the details of the story, which can possibly include:

- Specific fetishes demanded by Carnage.
- Why MJ agrees to please Cletus.
- A proper ending.
- Other stuff only you can come up with.

Just remember, try to be objective and compact on your suggestions.
We will only have 8 pages (~40 panels) to tell the whole story, from setup to end.

Please be kind to one another. The last thing I want is this place becoming an arena for strong divergent opinions.

I reserve the rights to cancel this whole project or the interactive part of it at any time, if this proves to be a bad idea.

That being said…




for the "Why MJ agrees to please Cletus." one, could go with Cletus somehow figures out who Spidey is and blackmails her with the information saying he will release his name live on TV if she doesn't.


I'd love to see cletus ask spidey to whip Black cat's big bubble butt through her latex with his big dick :)


That was my first idea too. But I find the "secret identity" card somehow too easy to pull off. I think there would be more underlaying conflict if Cletus got MJ by accident than because she's Spidey's wife. But at this point, all ideas are valid. We could eventually go for this, if we don't come out with something better.


Noted. There will be no small dick pete in this story, if that's the decision of the majority.


For "Why MJ pleases Cletus" - She remembers Peter telling her that when he had a symbiote, it would always retract for a rest period after he came. So while Cletus is watching Spidey and Black Cat, MJ suggests that he should enjoy himself too, that she can make him feel good, and starts playing with him and giving him a blowjob. He cums after seeing the money shot in the Spidey/Black Cat broadcast, allowing MJ to knock him out and escape while the symbiote is weak. This would be similar to how she had to find her own way to escape from Jonathan Caesar back in the day, when Peter was having no luck finding her.


How about Cletus threatening to expose MJs hacked phone photos, like "The fappening", but showing MJ having sexual liaisons with some of Peter's arch enemies, like Doc Octopus, but also allies like Iron Man and Daredevil? Maybe some taboo stuff too, like messing around with some of the creatures found at a stable during a photoshoot which would ruin her career?


I like this fappening threat scenario, but I think it's not really something for this story. It's a bit too big to fit as a secondary plot on the major ransom Carnage is asking from Spidey and Felicia. That's what I like about Kyle's idea. The sex idea comes from MJ and not from Cletus. But I really want to save the blackmail for a later story. Good stuff.


Given Kasady's instability, MJ could be proactive in choosing to please him in hopes that it keeps him from conjuring up his own twisted ideas or desires to force on her? After all, there is crazy then there is Kasady crazy..


You're right. This polishes Kyle's idea of MJ taking control of things. She knows she should fear Kasady and that desperate measures are needed if she wants to get out of there alive.


In regards to the sex acts themselves, would it be helpful to gauge how the audience is responding to peter/felicia's sex acts? For example, theres something that gauges an audiences reaction called a "worm", which visually snakes up and down depending if the audiences likes or dislikes an action <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worm_%28marketing%29" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worm_%28marketing%29</a> Maybe Peter and Felicia are performing acts where they are judged by an audience that has seen everything (ie. 4chan or hentai-foundry, both sites are NSFW), so they have to keep pushing the boundaries to keep the worm above a certain value otherwise MJ gets killed?


Well lets make it clear that carnage is a crazy serial killer so he wouldnt Care if mj agrees to his demands or not so yes a rape scene must happen. Lets be clever and vive a good reason black cat will have live sex with spider not just because she has a thing for him. Also lets make it realistic pete wouldnt just hace live sex especially if a child will see they have to be clever on what to do. The sex scene should be slow and emotional not just oh oh your big cock mmmmm. The carnage rape could be drak and distrubing in the end even after Pete saves mj the damage has been done and she is tramutize.

Gerald L

well for why she's forced to, could be as simple as he gets turned on by the show and decides that he forces himself onto her you could just say that if she doesn't 'act the part' he'll kill her or just show her his claws and state that he may just mess her up to the point she'll never show what's left of her face again. Since he is a psychopath with violent mood swings he does get bored kind of easy and might like some entertainment for himself. So MJ agrees to it all the while she does hate it trying to think of it as just another 'acting gig' Since I can't see MJ actually enjoying being forced to please a man that is literally a serial killer and would be too scared on displeasing him not to mention cheating on her husband.


My ideal plan would be avoid the blatant rape scenario. It's just something I don't find very interesting. For now, the most interesting idea said here would be MJ trying to take control of the situation so she can get some leverage to escape. Narratively, I find MJ's proactive dilemma more rich than her pure subduing for fear.


Dark and disturbing rape of MJ is something I'd like people to comment by replying to this message. From the last "fetish poll" it's something many supporters are against. It's not my most preferable way of handling things, but I'd like to hear you guys about it. What do you say? Disturbing, weeping, hysterical, torn clothing, mascara running, life scarring scene?


I'm actually surprised no one mentioned the BBC TV show I mentioned. Anybody here watched "Black Mirror", specifically the pilot? This plot is heavily inspired on that episode. Even my logo derived from it. Anyone?


I like this, but only if it can be be compressed enough in synthesis, in a way that does not take too much of the space in the story.

Gerald L

Sorry never heard of it but then I don't watch cable as much as I used to usually just watch stuff on DVD's/blue rays and online


For fetishes demanded by Carnage, I don't think it's in keeping with his character that he gives them an itemized list of things to do. I expect his demands would be more like "I want to see the dirtiest, filthiest, most disgusting things you can think of." This allows you to avoid unwelcome things (scat, watersports, pegging), as they are things Peter and Felicia wouldn't think of (even if Carnage might), but opens the door for gagging, choking, spanking, gaping, slapping, anal creampies, etc. (probably mostly initiated by Felicia). I also think fitting the live public broadcast and social media crusade in might be hard on space in 8 pages, and Michael myers made a good point in his comment that Peter wouldn't do it if he thought children might see it, so plotwise it might work better if Carnage kidnapped MJ, left a note explaining his demands (assuming it would get to the police, who would get it to Spider-Man), and that what he wants is a private broadcast. If he doesn't like what he sees, he kills MJ. If he does like it, he'll release the tape to the public. It's the kind of no-win scenario Carnage would love to create, but it allows Peter to go along with the sex in the hopes he can stop Carnage before he releases the tape.


I actually disagree on the part that Peter would be concerned if kids would see or not. We could change TV to Webstream though. If Cletus had only one demand, which is to have Spidey and Cat do it and broadcast themselves to whoever wants to watch, Peter would surely put the life-threatning emergency above the morality of the sex act. If kids are watching, it's surely not his fault. What are parents for?

Spooney Bard

Many people in the edgy poll were in favor of bondage and femdom, so this seems like a perfect story where Felicia gets to live the dream and enact some of her kinkier desires. Maybe she webs Pete up and forces him to beg for release. I'd like to see some claw drug against some shivering skin.


Also maybe Spidey can use a spiderbot to help locate mj and broadcast it. We must make i t clear peter will feel responsible for mj if anything happen he will feel Terribel and we can start a spiderman no more pron parody. Plus black cat can end up pregnant to create a new universe where mayday is the daughter of black cat and Spidey a great plot twist just a suggestion.


These seem to me like ideas for new stories. They are cool, but I'll save them for a later future comic.


I particularly think a proper bondage story will need more space than the few panels I could use for a that fetish in this specific story. But there is some bondage stuff coming in a comic already in production. There are some previews for it on the posts below: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1338608">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1338608</a> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1470164">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1470164</a>

Krimson Kodai

What If, for the ending and as a "thank you/fuck you" to MJ's social media fans, Carnage was recording MJ's attempts to distract/satisfy him, and releases the video to the internet, after carefully removing the portion of the recording where she gets the drop on him and escapes? Final panel could show Peter and MJ staring in horror at a computer screen displaying MJ at work on Carnage. This would be a good example of "Parker Luck" in that the bad guy is defeated, but still gets the last laugh.

Krimson Kodai

As for potential fetishes, I know I said in the kink poll that porn-style cliche dirty talk didn't really fit in the books, but Carnage "persuading" her to "get into the role" and embrace her inner porn star might be fun. MJ could perform a lap dance for him. I also have an image in my head now of Carnage's extremely long tongue snaking out of his mouth and licking MJ's soles while he's holding her ankles and banging away at her on a bed, but it might not fit this particular scenario, depending on where he's watching the proceedings.


Maybe Venom can get in on this? The cast just seems thrown together, maybe instead of Black Cat Peter has to fuck another superhero, like Ms.Marvel or She Hulk? Also Peter could be fucking said hero while another group of heroes find Mj, since that would stick more to his character.