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This month has been too crazy and the contest for this month will work different.

To celebrate the first female super villain in the MCU, you guys will select which bad girl should appear in one of my upcoming comics.

This phase ends in 2 days.
Phase 2 will have the the THREE most voted bad girls paired up with different spider-heroes(ines) in suggested narratives.

You can choose as many as you like.


Voltra Neo

Shathra plz <3


Oh my ! So many women ! SO... MANY... CHOICES... ! (Faint in excitement ) This kind of contest should be done more often. :)

Dennis King

Lady Loki with Peter. Hot.


Mystique would allow for some fun combinations, particularly if the one she is mimicking is totally on board with joining in ;)


Kinda want Carmilla Black. Haven't seen much of her


I... do not know any of these girls. Exscept Shriek. Oooh, and Lady Loki. That’s 2 for me. And there’s Hela as well. Lot of obscure names, though.


So many fun possibilities, it's hard to resist the temptation to pick ALL of them...must think on this.


You should add Itsy-bitsy from Spider-man/Deadpool :P Yes, she is kind of a Spider-mutant that is combined from Spiderman and Deadpool..but hot damn if she wasn't sexy...( except the spider face O.o ) and her attitude quite fit a porn comic :D


The baddie of Iron Man 3 was supposed to be female, but then Perlmutter had to be an ass and order that she be replaced by Killian, because action figures and the like based on girls "don't sell" (the irony is that they didn't even make a Killian figure). But now he's gone, and we will hopefully get all of the bad girls that we can handle from now on.


After some thought I have decided on everyone but Evil Gwenpool (because we've already had several stories about regular Gwenpool), Hela, and Mystique (cuz as the frontrunners, they don't need my votes)


Would love to see either Menace (Lily Hollister) or Doctor Octopus (Carolyn Trainer) as they're both long overdue

Just another Monday

You should have you next contest in number of votes instead of %. It make things easier to read in terms of quantity of patron voting.


You'll need to ask patreon techs for that feature. % is not available for polls with multi-choice.

Spooney Bard

Looking at all four poll winners and runner-ups I think it's time to look at the previous trends, before the new rules, and see which now hold up. Mary-Jane ends up in a porno casting call. Homecoming: Pepper Potts joins Peter and his hot Aunt May. Aftermath to the 'Evil' ending of Web of Shadows videogame. Homecoming Spidey discovers Karen (his AI suit) has a hidden sexual tutorial written by the depraved mind of Tony Stark. Gwen/Peter/MJ - VSA Felicia/Cindy - Silk and Leather Spidey quenches X-23 instinctual urges. Daily Bugle: Betty Brant teaches some office secrets to a rookie Peter Parker. New girl: WoS is a bit ambiguous, but the pitch had Felicia and the game mentioned MJ. Either way not one winner fits the biggest original trend, even X-23 starred in her own book. For runner-ups three still had this trend. No purely story driven (with both a male and female paired together before): This one has been killed. Half the winners have two or more issues largely focused on the pairing. Every combo MJ/Gwen/Felicia has been used as have all three together twice. Virtually all had a strong narrative bent. Every story (except one each in the big three votes) has brought in a new Marvel-centric character not necessarily from Spidey's books: None of the winners qualify, only one even added an outside character in X-23. The runner-ups have three new girls but they are either Spidey-centric (Betty) or from the MCU. Not one story has multiple men: Finally beat with the porno pitch, even if the story doesn't use so many the pitch still did beat this issue. X-girls: Only one, been featured before. Avengers: If you count elements from movies, Karen and Pepper but that's a stretch. New trends Less Peter: One girl/girl and a villain story were among the eight. VSA also put Pete off to the side as the symbiote was written as the driving force. No males (heroes): There is almost no support for other male heroes than Peter. Other than a dedicated IR bloc with roughly 8% of the vote most want Pete in their fun. With three of the five in one poll without Pete the total of the three without Pete was almost less than the second place choice. Hard: All prior three winners featured Symbiotes, villains, and heel turns.


Results for Phase 1: 1. Mystique (85 votes) 2. Hela (67 votes) 3. Lady Loki (54 votes) Runner-up - Evil Gwenpool (53 votes)