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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding WEAVING FLUIDS in the comments below.




Have to say, and I'm only about 95% biased here, that this one was my favorite one yet. Can't wait to see where this goes. 11/10 BBCs

Spooney Bard

Good to see a return to form for Miles, he's great when things get wacky (he's very reminiscent of his book with Kamala) and things did go that way here. I love when characters strip and put on outfits, and we got two of those scenes. Also appreciated the sex club setting, providing some kinky pairings (I gotta say that first brunette did strike me as 1610 Jess). Also yay villain sex, yay octopus sex, the only detriment is that I expected a cameo from the Mary Janes like a angry bondage with Em and Cat. Also praise to the art for the soft and youthful depiction of both leads and their nervous energy throughout. Man Spider-Gwen gets got a lot. I kinda felt that the first page was a bit off point for this story, we probably could have opened up with them changing and got to the club with a page to spare. The tone was much darker than I thought, looking for his father in a sex dungeon was a bit dark but nothing like the transition where optimistic Gwen opens a private room to find the Bodega Bandit. Kudos to the writing and art for pulling off an extreme juxtaposition as Gwen is haunted by her lowest moment. Peculiar things, the words "to be continued" are like daggers to me at this point. Silly, I know, considering the book delivered something much more fun than two very featured characters banging in the sky. But still I hate those words. Also the squid was seen very briefly in action, and I dream of fisherman's wives.


I feel like the cover page was false advertising, since they didn't actually have sex. I guess in a way you stayed true to the source material, because that whole Miles and Gwen crossover was basically just click-bait lol. I still really enjoyed it though, and the lack of sex in this issue just leaves us with something to look forward to in the next one.


I'm glad you managed to enjoy to story despite your disappointment. But I think "false advertisement" is not the proper term. Outersex is still sex and they all had orgasms by the end of the story. ;)


I'm so happy to hear my comics are getting better. Hope most patrons agree with you. =)


I completely understand how the TBC words can haunt a reader. But sometimes 8 pages aren't just enough to tell a specific story. I do my best to keep them at a minimum, and when I do, I promise you that the sequels are even better than the firsts. 😉

Nikolaj K.

I'm a big fan of it. I've always been a fan of SpiderGwen, so any comic of her is appreciated. Furthermore, this comic even has a story. Especially since it uses Miles instead of Peter. Its not that i dislike Peter, but i just feel like he belongs with MJ or Felicia :p


I have...somewhat mixed feelings. I liked all the sex club scenery, but I kinda felt the stuff with Felicia and Ock distracted from the main event.


Fun tale. The problems of it were it's 8 page limit. You had a lot going on and a lot of ideas with not much room to weave thru them all. Plus you had the addition of Ock/Felicia. The pay off was good, but this could have been expanded on than a single issue.


As someone who finds Mile's comic book characterization to be thoroughly bland and rarely enjoys books that feature him, I thought this book was ok. Nice, fun story. I liked Gwen's carefree attitude and I thought Miles's reactions were pretty funny. Art was good. The cameos were cool. Can't complain really.


Seems that there's at least one Miles' book you've enjoyed now. Achievement unlocked!