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Despite my worrying I was able to finish AND deliver both comics 3 hours before midnight (PST, San Francisco time).
Yay me!

And so I was able to comfortably swoon into a well deserved vegetative state... *snores*

Both comics for the new term have been already fully colored and I am now initiating the process of design, editorial adjustments and lettering. Along with that I am working on the script for the comics that will probably be released in December/January and working as the editor for the artists that are working for the other comics in production that should be released along the rest of the year.

The new Contest is coming soon and will be open for a week, so you'll have plenty of time to think about what you'll pitch this month.

That's it for now.
Goodbye August, you left me sore in my butt.
Hello September, please be gentle and kissy.




I just realized, I neglected to congratulate you on this accomplishment; I now rectify that.