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Hey patrons!
I've been working overtime on my dayjob for the last few weeks and hadn't been able to attack the comics as much I'd like.

Last night I finished the lettering on one of them and I am working today on the second one. I still hope to finish all late tonight and start sending them you way, but in case I collapse over my keyboard, it'll all be sent tomorrow. Same goes for the recapper comics. 

Sorry abut that but keep in mind I'm just a one-pervert band and the new comics are always the priority.

Meanwhile, here's the first page for both of them, now with letterings.

Feel free to use the comments below to keep me positively stimulated over the long night I have ahead of me.

Talk soon.




You ever thought of having someone helping you if your ever busy? Not meaning to sound pushy, just a suggestion for like a co-writer.


Co-writing is not really the issue. A friend of mine once told me that if a creator is a self-publishing professional, they're more of a self-publisher than a creator. And that's a true fact. I spend an astounding amount of time dealing with logistics, promotions, editorial stuff, lettering, design and what not, which I would much prefer doing in creation. However, I can't trust the editorial/publishing stuff to anyone else right now and I don't wanna stop writing, so that's my big conundrum. On the other hand, I usually handle it all quite well, since I've been doing this for more than 3 years now. But sometimes I get a perfect storm of dayjob/domestic/sickness issues that prevent me from keeping my usual pace. Sometimes I wonder if I should start paying myself for all this comic work, but honestly I rather put it all into the artists craft and continue doing this as a hobby instead of a job. At least for now. ;)


It looks like the comic pages will keep you 'positively stimulated,' so I'll just settle for cheering you on. ^_^. No matter what, don't kill yourself. The last thing we need is you getting burnt out because this is becoming too much of a chore.

Just another Monday

OK cool. As long as you don't kill yourself doing work or the comics, all's good. I can wait tonight to tomorrow.


😜 Thanks, not dying is my second priority. Finishing the comics is the first.


You're right. Now and then I really feel the Ghost of Chore trying to possess my love for this. But then I billmurray-up and bust their ectoplasmic ghostly ass out of this dimensional plane.


Don't forget to take breaks on your work. Patience is it's own reward.


I don't mind the wait since it's only one comic I'm waiting for. The other came out last month! Must know what happened in Spidercest last month!! :p


These things happen. Your stuff is worth waiting for.


Always think positive so its a bit late your long term supporters understand it