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Here are the ideas I liked most from all the ones you guys sent me in the first phase of the August Contest. The most voted idea goes into production.

Feel free to comment about these options down below.
Voting ends Aug, 20th, midnight PST.
Each patron has ONE vote.
Choose wisely!!


That black guy

This is Going to be interesting


I want to vote in more than one =/


I am so torn between all the choices.

Nikolaj K.

None of them really apeal to me, but im voting for the AI suit just cause i that it will be comedic

Just another Monday

Was my idea not a good choice because you already has Miles #3 not too long ago?


I'm sad that you didn't pick mine, but I'm picking the AI one. What happened to the last contest because that result never came out


It wasn't bad, but it wasn't personally that much interesting for me either.


One person's trash is another person's treasure. Remember that all those choices were suggested by patrons like you. ;)

Spooney Bard

Well this was a spread out poll that does a very interesting job playing around with standard setups. The subversion you might call these choices. Alternative universes, movies, video games, a subverted noncon, and a threesome made this really unpredictable. None of last months picks returned (although a classic came back). No lesbian pairings at all. In the top two vote getters I'm not even sure who will be making love in those comics.


Maybe that uncertainty is part of their high rate of votes. The curiosity of patrons.


I picked the Karen one cause honestly I felt her and tom had great chemistry.


I picked the Beetle one because I'd like to see different girls pop up more often.

Dennis King

I picked the Beetle one because that sounds interesting and awesome

Jules Teak

Whys it I only get an idea at this stage :P next month


I went with evil Spider-man, because it has the most potential for lots of fun and action (also sexy black cat)

Voltra Neo

WoS aftermath <3

Just another Monday

If the WoS ending is winner, you'll keep the part where the "royal family" was part of the original idea?


I'll decide that when I start working on it. But first, it needs to actually win the poll.


Out of curiosity, would I be correct in assuming that a there's no point in re-submitting a Phase 2 runner-up?


It looks like it will win indeed, but I'd rather if you'd wait to celebrate the winner until the poll timer is actually over, which still needs 11 hours to happen (midnight, PST time). Thanks.


Why? Phase 2 entrees already have passed the tracy-likes-it test, by definition. It sure gives them at least a slight better chance against ideas that haven't passed that test yet. ;) It's not a guarantee, of course, but it does help their odds.

Dennis King

Of course symbiotes win. If it is New Interesting Idea Vs Symbiotes, Symbiotes almost always win. Not that I don't love Tracy's Symbiote works, it's just I like seeing new stuff


You have a point there. The democratic majority selected what they liked most. But since symbiotes just won 2 in a row, I plan on giving a cool-down block on symbiote entries for a few months, for the sake of diversity.