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Now with 76 comics available.
All thanks to YOU, my dear supporters.

A month of long-due sequels! The Ultimate Reality is the flavor of the month, with Miles and Jess showing the world they're alive and kicking booties (especially when these booties are soft and tight, just like they love'em!). Be ready for the return of the most indomitable spider-fuckers ever to websling across the multiverse!

Jessica Drew is the Spider-Woman of Earth 1610, the Ultimateverse. A female clone of Peter Parker, created by deranged scientists, who tweaked her into an oversexed creature, both for scientific curiosity and for their own private pleasuring. What they didn't know was that her sexual drive is still growing, at an exponential rate, putting the entire multiverse at risk of erotic destruction.
Art by Llamaboy/ Colors by Latrell

Black Cat has become the Queenpin of New York and now she has set her sights on this new, delicious, chocolate-flavored Spider-Man. But Miles is a very different arachnid from the usual good-guy Parker she's gotten accustomed to and full of new surprises that may 'shock' her, in a very pleasurable way.
Art by R-ex / Colors by Latrell

The full list of available comics can be seen in the link below:

Be sure to update your current pledges according to your interest before July 31st. After that date, all pledges are final and changes will only be considered for the following month's cycle.

Thank you so much for your patience and, above all, for your trusting support on Patreon.

As long as we stay above the minimum threshold at the end of each month, be sure to expect 2 new comics for the next cycle.




That black guy

Very good stuff glad to see us returning to spider-cest


Damn! That Spidercest cover is HAWT!


Spidercest is finally back, but I don't want Jess to be that overdrived. Hope a positive outcome for her, and maybe some romance between her and Peter

Just another Monday

Hmmm... perhaps I should try the older 12 books. I'll get these 2 plus the older Spider-Cestus books.


Veeery nice. Very nice indeed. (now if we could get sequels to Spidernafil and House of Zoo...)


I wouldn't hold my breath with HoZ. Last time there was so much uproar I don't really feel stimulated enough to return to such a blunt zoo story. Unfortunately...

Jack Charlotte

Awesome! I part of me was wondering if Spidercest had gone the way of the Ultimate Universe in the time since the last issue. It looks as though Jess made it out alive, though. Honestly Tracy, I feel as though you got way more mileage out of Ultimate Spider-Woman's character in the confines of your smut stories than Bendis ever did in the actual Ultimate Comics series.


Jess had a (very) brief cameo in the last issue of Spider-Warriors, with her (infamous) black widow suit from the Ultimates series. I wish that would mean she made it through from the ultiversaggedon, but I don't really think so. I'd have to count, but there's some possibility that my comics do have more page-time of Jess on-panel than in the official comics. Probably not, though, but if she stays obliviated in the mainstream issues, give me time and I'll get there eventually. ;)


Been looking forward to this Miles & Black Cat comic. Will we ever get more of those 'On the Edge of Spidercest' comics? The first two you did are some of my favorites.


Wait, so no sequel for the Miles/Jess/Kate story?

Jack Charlotte

Well, Miles was the only one out of those three to make it out of the Ultimate Universe alive, so I guess not. Besides, Miles didn't exactly go out on the best of terms with Ultimateverse Kate Bishop. Now, a story with Miles chasing after 616 Kate, on the other hand...