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Hello, peeps!

Busy day here finishing the last lettering pages and doing the final proofreading of the comics. Then I will export the files, prepare the packages, upload it all and then start sending the reward links tonight (Pacific Time)

It's a long process, since I have to do each recapper individually.
So please allow 24h (TWENTY FOUR HOURS!!!) before asking stuff like "Where the ***** are my ****** comics, you lazy ****** ? "  ;)

I will update this post when I'm done with everyone's deliveries.

Thanks again, guys!
You're still the best patrons ever.




No rush at all, Tracy :)


Thank a lot ! Are you reading the current arc in SP : Renew your vows ? Your picture kinda remind me of it.


Yes, but I thought they made MJ real dumb about her not noticing the super-advanced-tech-armor was the Venom symbiote. I mean, come on... This whole series started with her and baby Annie being ATTACKED by Venom at their home. Why make MJ so stupid? It's making the whole thing barely readable for me, from that point on...


Deliveries complete. Please, check your inbox for downloading the rewards.