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Who knew fast success could have a down side, hmm? I wish I hadn't to, but I just redefined the next milestones. I wasn't expecting to be so successful so quickly. I had to restructure the goals to prepare myself (and have the time and funds) for the steady delivery of 2 comics a month in 2015, otherwise, my scheduling would trainwreck into absolute collapse. I pushed the next milestone further, and with that, I can pay artists better and have them dedicate more time to my projects. This will get comics produced more steadily and quicker, without compromising the overall quality. I also added a very optimistic new goal, which IMHO, fits very well with the collaborative environment provided by Patreon. Anyway, for now, I'm still on schedule to release 2 comics in November and (hopefully) 2 in December. I'll post more info as things progresses. Thank you all for understanding. You are the best! PS: Here's some titles designed for W-I-Ps scheduled for 2015. Try and keep your pants on. ;)




I think at least the majority of us.. would be happy with one a month (a normal comic has the same schedule after all) that way everything is spaced out and you don't have to rush anything (two of course is a huge bonus lol) but I for one am happy that this is all working out so well for you and us fans and wow does 2015 look exciting!! Nine Shades sounds so good!


Thanks for understanding. To be clearer: Nine Shades is the subtitle of the cinematic parody, which will take place somewhere between the 2 SPE movies.

That black guy

Woot ultimates, produce what you can when you can

Krivvin Bailey

I never expected such an awesome response. But you deserve it! I signed up with no specific expectations. And everything that is happening is simply amazing. Do what you gotta do to keep this project sailing smoothly. You've got my trust & support all the way. :)


Why not move from 8 pages to 10 or 12? With the money from the new milestones (assuming you get there) surely it shouldn't be too much to ask to see an increase in quality and a few more pages?


I'll keep that idea noted, but I don't think that will be logistically possible. It will take more time for me to work on a script, more time for an artist to work on the product and it will hurt the diversity of comics, since I'll have to put even more funds into a single comic. I'd rather hire more artists or pay my artists better. But I'll consider your idea when/if we hit more milestones. Thanks for the input.