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Hey guys, 100 people seems like a good number to get some statistics. What kind of comics would you like to see released more often in the future months? A) Spidercest sequels B) Spidercest Spin-Offs (Miles, New Ultimates, etc.) C) Sexual Symbiosis sequels D) Other Spidey stories (616, MC2, Cinematic, etc.) In case of D), what would you like to see? (for now we'll stick to Spidey related only, ok?) Thanks!



Mine vote goes for A, because in the case he is really back it would be fun to see how wink wink, maybe Hela. I'm rambling now sorry.


B) assuming that covers Spider-Gwen. If not, whatever category would cover said Spider-Gwen

Quincey Forder

Spidercest spinoffs would get my vote, in ex æquo with Spidercest sequels


I can't wait for Bendis to let us know who that newPete is. Hopefully, we'll get some answers on the 15th.

Krivvin Bailey

Ooo. Choices, choices. Hard to decide when all of the options are so great. ... Hm... D. Things that come to mind were the cartoons that had some serious heat going on between Peter and a girl but left clean for the sake of kid safe TV. White Tiger (Ava) in Ultimate Spider-Man. Silver Sable in Spider-Man the Animated Series (1994). Both of them have come off as into Peter as much as Black Cat has been.

Vulgar Maestro

I'm torn between A and B because I enjoy the idea of Peter having an ever expanding "harem" of ladies, sort of like an a-typical anime of that type, but I also like the idea of expanding the roster of male characters to Miles and others. I would probably say A but toss in more male characters for added diversity ;).


Mmm, A. I can't wait to see MJ joining the party and, in a distant future, maybe Black Cat (yeah, she poked whe saw Peters' face, but...)


A little of each. With Spider-cest/616 there were a lot of clones in the 616 universe, there's loads of fund you can have with that. I think there's loads of room to have fun with Jessica in the New Ultimates, too. And if you want to do something from 616 then I'd quite like to see some of the "deleted scenes" from the recent stories with Silk.


A and D for Spider-Gwen.


A and D for me as well! I love the original series that attracted me from the beginning, and would love to see other possible stories as well!


I gotta go with C that has been my fav story line so far!


D Spider gwen all the way. I would also love to see another Violation of Spiderwomen, if we could get another going.


D, I'd really like to see how you would write spider-gwen


I'm voting for A. I really want MJ to join the party.


I do love A a lot, but B might come in closer second.


C. Rosita's art is my favorite so I'd like to see more Symbiosis or her do work on other stories.


Big fan of the spidercest, but would also love to see more of the Violation of the Spiderwomen. So I guess a bit of A & D.


Spider-Cest Spin-Offs.

Regless Maximus

Hmmm. Well these are some fun choices. To hard to pick just one. Top vote is for A: Easily favorite series. And I wouldn't mind seeing MJ, bombshell, or BlackCat get in on it *especially because of how Cat reacted when she first realized she wanted to jump a high-schooler* More diverse scenerios and locations wold also be interesting. Honestly you could keep the series going for a long time. Second Vote is D: So many choices here so I'll just pick one. Was a big fan of Chat in Marvel Adventures. The series didn't last too long once it started getting good but she was still pretty cool. last and least Vote would be for B: Miles is pretty damn cool and the support cast is awesome. A little underdeveloped but that's normal given half the characters have only been in a dozen issues or so. The writers doing great and it looks like it's gonna keep getting better.


Wow guys! Lots of input. And I'm glad to see some of the suggestions for comics noted above are already in some kind of development, like: - SpiderGwen - Black Cat in Spidercest #9 (no puke this time) - Ultimates About MJ in Spidercest, she's gonna make a brief appearance in issue #7, followed by Lana Bombshell in #8. MJ is currently scheduled for the commemorative SC#10, for which I'll plan something quite special. About SS #3, I have no plans yet, but I'll consider it along Rosi with great care. Keep tuned!


While Spidercest and its sequels are my main interest, I think some spin offs would be cool, although maybe some 616 stories would be really cool. Its already being incorporated slightly with the Edge of Spidercest but Spider-verse is just ripe for the picking. Hell stick with Spidercest and pair 616 with Spider-bitch, that could be fun for an issue or two I think


Voting for A, more Spidercest. and for D, Spider-Gwen crossing over into the Spidercest-Verse


You mean you'd like to see this scene go differently? <a href="http://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/4673683.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/4673683.html</a> Because I think I would. Maybe if the mask didn't come all the way off but stopped at his nose, the way Spidey 616 kisses (while in costume).


I would pick A more spidercest and D would like to see Spidey with Captain/Ms Marvel in a continuation of their date and Spidey with several of the female Avengers.


Your spidey stuff is great, but would be interested in some of the other Ultimates, or MCU stuff =)