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Friends, I need your opinion on a matter: I just realized that somebody can make a pledge, enter the patrons-only content, grab everything and just remove the pledge. I don't feel that's fair to the ones who will actually help with the project, so I'm thinking about sending the new comic pages only on the beginning of the following months (according to the milestones reached), to the ones who maintain their pledges until the end. What do you think about this? I'm still learning the ropes here, so I hope you don't mind if the rules get adapted as we get by. I'm all ears to suggestions. Thanks! -T.



Seams fair to me, just means that we need too download on time.


But you wouldn't remove the initial content, right? Otherwise people may sign up, feel they're getting little in return and then un-pledge.


That seems totally fair. I'd suggest removing the stuff currently up for now and putting it back up at the beginning of the month. It's only a four days away so I don't think people who actually want to support you would mind. I wouldn't.


That sounds perfectly fair. I noticed the same scenario when it asked me for my pledge. Your solution seems to work nicely.


Thanks for the feedback, peeps. Nice to know you're in tune with my ideas. About the initial content, I understand Peter and James have pointed reasonable different sides on the matter. So, I'll probably leave what's already up as a leap of trust. Spidercest #1 was already available in BW everywhere and there was even a "unofficial" colored version on a lot of places. And the first 8pages of SS#1 may get people interested enough on getting the following material, so it may work as an interest source. Anyway, I'll keep feeding the posts with behind-the-scenes stuff, so that this site gets chatty. I'm quite liking the buzz. =) Thank you all!

Krivvin Bailey

Meant to give feedback earlier, but see that all of the bases have been covered as to my thoughts. Great ideas for keeping things safe yet encouraging for new people. It's awesome that there's been such a good turnout so far. :)


I'm in favour of releasing content for all. Patreon is not about buying art but creating art. Other artists do that as well. Locking in content only enables pirates to profit from it while limiting user base.


I think silvarious2000 is completely right about what should be my ultimate goal in here. But while we are still learning how things will work on the long-term here, I will test the waters more slowly than I'd like to. One note though: According to Patreon rules and the NSFW nature of my content, all my main posts have to be patron-eyes only. Not much I can do about that. Sorry.

Krivvin Bailey

I wish sites would stop being so concerned about these concepts. At least they allow it at all, unlike Paypal. ^_^;;


I hope to be able to call here my home for a long long time...