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Experimentation is a huge part of music theory, and this week I wanted to share one of my favorite experiments with you. Modes and the pentatonic scale are two of the most popular scale variations out there, but I'd never seen anyone try to stick them together before, so I decided to figure out if it would work. And the answer is... Well, in some ways. Depends how you look at them. It turns out there's a reason you don't hear much about them, but it was still really interesting to try it out for myself, and there's some valuable lessons to be picked up along the way.


Theory In Practice: Playing With Pentatonic Modes

Experimentation is a huge part of music theory, and this week I wanted to share one of my favorite experiments with you. Modes and the pentatonic scale are two of the most popular scale variations out there, but I'd never seen anyone try to stick them together before, so I decided to figure out if it would work.


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