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Hi folks! So... I have a problem. A good problem, but a problem none the less: I'm running out of space in my video descriptions. When I started my channel, I had maybe a couple thousand subscribers, and was expecting maybe a dozen patrons at most, so I put the thanks-in-description tier at a relatively low $3 because I wanted to show my appreciation somehow and didn't want to charge an arm and a leg. And for a long time, that was fine, but YouTube's video descriptions have a character limit, and at this point there's so many of you that I'm running up against it. Which is great, and I do not for a moment want to imply that I am anything but grateful for (and a little confused by) all the support you've shown me over the years, but I've started to have to cut down the lengths of my video description blurbs to just a couple sentences, and soon even that's gonna stop working, so I've gotta do something.

That said, I don't feel like it's fair to take away benefits from folks who signed up for them, so here's what I'm planning to do: I've hidden the current $3 tier (but not deleted it) and made a new one that offers access to the Sneak Peeks instead. That way, those of you who've already pledged for thanks-in-description will be able to stay at that tier, but new patrons at that level will get a different, more scalable reward instead. That'll reduce the rate at which the list is growing, and the natural churn of patrons will hopefully reduce it a little bit over time without me having to actively kick anyone off, a thing I am extremely loathe to do. If you'd prefer the sneak peeks (or you just don't care and want to help me cut down on text space) you can always switch over to the new $3 tier instead, and of course the folks at the $5 tier and up will continue to get both. So, like the title says, this almost certainly doesn't impact you at all, but I feel like if I'm making changes to this page, I owe it to y'all to give you an explanation of what's going on.


Carlos Rendon

I know other Youtube creators with Patreon have (sometimes quite lengthy) credits at the end of the video. It would free up the description to be whatever you want. Just a thought.


Came here to say the same. David Bennett Piano used to do a slide plus for those at higher tiers a spoken acknowledgment at the end. The spoken part became a bit tedious so he just moved to the slide of names for everyone at a certain level at the end of the video.