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Hey, y'all. I probably should've made this video a while ago, but I feel like I owe you some communication about the recent sponsorships I've been doing, so I sat down in my studio and did some unscripted rambling on the subject that hopefully helps communicate something or other. Dunno. Sorry it took me this long.

Oh also this is a soft launch of my side channel, 19tone, where I'm gonna be putting announcements, format experiments, and other stuff that doesn't really fit on the main channel. Go subscribe if you want!


Some Thoughts On Patreon And Sponsorships

I really should've made this video a couple months ago, but here's some unstructured thoughts on sponsorships, Patreon, and the ethics of the creator economy.



Sponsorships are never guaranteed; Patreon allows for a genuine steady revenue stream and most importantly, peace of mind. It's harder than ever to make a living on YouTube, so do what you need to do to stay alive and continue doing what you love every day. Love ya, C!

RAD Donato

Dude. Chill. You're fine. A patron sees potential in an artist and they choose to help provide for the needs of that artist. Food, DSLR camera, hookers and blow...the list goes on. If you make it to the point where this is your full time gig then I as a patron APPLAUD that. We knew you could and now it's up to you to keep it going. You rock.